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King James

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Everything posted by King James

  1. I can get you a pic of the flooded Kankakee. If that doesn’t get your winter storm juices flowing I don’t know what will
  2. Don’t tell me I’m waking up to an A-L-E-K bust
  3. Very windy here today near IKK. Wind is howling around the house
  4. I’m going to post the ugliest pics of my muddy backyard
  5. Not the main event but a co-worker just called me in the Cal City/Lansing/South burbs of Chicago and said there are many many spinouts and accidents right now and the roads are about as bad as he's ever seen them. Not sure what's causing this but I figure this is a good place to let someone know.
  6. First watch of 2020 is a flood watch for me. Such is life.
  7. Locally that’s the best run yet for my area. Skilldog has nothing but rain for me atm
  8. Going to be checking in for that SE trend...fingers crossed. Either way enjoy tracking this one today boys
  9. Here for the heartbreak. Looking forward to following along with you guys
  10. 3 dogs here. I hear you 100% brother. Last winter and this winter has been especially bad.
  11. Went to bed and set the thermostat at 64. Woke up to the house at 66. Don’t think the heat even kicked on last night. Wild times boys.
  12. Hoosier and another poster mentioned how 4 of the 5 wettest years on record in Chicago have been very recent I was reading last night, inspired by a social media post, about the lake levels up in Door County. Also read about the beach erosion and loss of property in New Buffalo I know lake levels fluctuate. However I also read that every peak water level has been higher than the previous peak. Does anyone have any thoughts about how weather is directly affecting beach erosion. Will it slow down? Is it possible for the Great Lakes to spill their banks? Just up early today and interested in this topic. https://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/lake-michigan/
  13. Skilling starting to talk about the Thanksgiving storm. Has most the snow out west but it’s on his radar
  14. Starting off as rain here in the 60954 *changed over to snow bout 645
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