Yesterday we touched 60 here in IKK. Read 64 on the car dash. Full sun and no wind. A true spring feel. Temp dropped like 30 degrees in an hour around 3pm. I’ve lived near the lake growing up and yesterday was the most noticeable temp drop in my memory. Maybe because I wasn’t ready for it, but it was quick and it was noticeable
The most memorable weather I’ve had locally from 2023-current was the dry spell my area had this summer. Everything was so dry and it was so windy that for the first time I truly worried about a brush fire Need to get some notable weather back into the area.
I got you bud. The water boils because of complex chemical reactions but it also boils because somebody wanted tea Sometimes the data will suggest the weather has been contrary to what we experience. Both can exist in harmony After all, not all 6 inch snow storms feel the same but the spreadsheet is indifferent
It’s a weather forum. You all have made this forum a tough read the last couple years Weather is fun. No one wants to listen to any of you dorks correct one another
It’s been unreal. Had a very very brief downpour yesterday, maybe 90 seconds as the first line passed just to my NE and the second just to my south. Had to go out before sunset and water when it became obvious it was all going to miss us again
23 days now without any appreciable rain. Every single day I’ve had to water the garden since May 22nd. North central Indiana looks very dry to me as well when I drive around
The sky was brown by me the other night.
Unfortunately they are just trading farm land for solar farms.
Probably time to go hyperlocal with gardens in front yards and backyard chickens
Things are only getting worse with the land
Kankakee county in IL on the IN border. We had good spring rains and my parents on the other side of town had a huge downpour last week
It’s just been unlucky hyper-locally lately. Went fishing the last two days and keep getting snagged along the shore. The river has receded some. We did get some showers this AM which was nice. Will still have to water but I’ll take it