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King James

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Everything posted by King James

  1. Feb is a breeze for me to get thru. It’s March and April that I struggle with, been pretty chilly springs lately.
  2. Best snow of the year. Maybe a touch above two inches. Not complaining but still not going to shovel it.
  3. Coming down pretty good in downtown IKK. Roads suck
  4. A thunderstorm at this point would be heaven. Hanging out in the mid 30s with clouds all winter is pretty boring.
  5. Skilldog calling for 3-5” south of 80, 1-3 north. Winter weather advisory for me. Should be biggest snow of season.
  6. Didn’t even recognize it was going to snow last night. This is the most snow we’ve gotten so far. Very nice surprise
  7. Crossed into that “bragging or trolling” territory. Rare air. Well done.
  8. 3rd cloudiest January on record for my area and I have yet to have my grass completely covered with snow. This ain’t right Beavis
  9. Rain/snow close to Hoosier, looks right to me. Prob a slight tick north to come to get him solidly into the rain game
  10. Good bit of precipitation falling in Naperville
  11. They prefer your tax money over prayers brudda
  12. Sounds local, no? I’ve gotten next to nothing in the way of snow or cold. Been a rainy warm winter for my area
  13. Big time A-L-E-K bust here. Why so bullish on your d5 final call?
  14. I've seen enough Pierce Brosnon movies to know where this is going https://www.chicagotribune.com/midwest/ct-lake-erie-earthquake-20191208-xfzanedw6zgujcz57j3dntnpmm-story.html
  15. Seems we’ve had very similar winters so far. Only once did I have to shovel last year and so far this year I haven’t had to shovel. Cold, rain, fog, ice. Yesterday was nice in the morning with some flakes falling. I just miss the feel of a winter - I’m not asking for much
  16. Keeps flipping back and forth here in IKK - prob same for you?
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