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Everything posted by Greyhound

  1. 46 in Knoxville. And yet....kids at the bus stop were wearing shorts and a t-shirt. These are the same teens only wearing a hoodie when it was 23 one morning a few months ago.
  2. Definitely not the heavy rains / storms that I thought would come through tonight. Hopefully it’s just enough to knock the pollen levels down a bit. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Prescribed burns in Oak Ridge: https://www.wbir.com/article/weather/smoke-in-east-tennessee/51-c52e2eb7-4f2a-4b68-b9b0-47668968146b
  4. Very hazy skies in Knoxville this morning. I assume from these fires? I can't find any info regarding prescribed burn or wildfire.
  5. Sorry to see and hear that!!! I’m in Fountain City also......but thankfully nothing here but soggy yards.
  6. I know it's been said before, but I have to say it again......the new radar that the NWS put out not too long ago is just plain God-awful. It's worse than the old dial-up days of the internet.
  7. I'll be honest, if it's going to be washed all away by the rain shortly thereafter........I would rather it just be all rain instead.
  8. For the MJO......correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't 8,1,2 the cold phases?
  9. Keep them coming Stovepipe!! Won't load for me. I get the map, but no cameras. Just a red bar moving across the top of the page....like it's not loading EDIT - finally loaded. Patience has never been one of my strong points!!!
  10. Are the TDOT Cameras down? I can't get them to pull up on computer or my phone
  11. My family lives in West KY (Murray, Hardin, Benton). Dad just sent a text they just got an updated forecast for 8 - 12 inches. Some places may get 1 inch an hour . All of Western Ky should get at least 8 inches. Then there’s the next storm Wednesday night into Thursday. So freaking jealous!!!!!
  12. There’s also an app called “TriStar Traffic” that has all the cams. I have it on my iPhone, but don’t know if it’s available for Droids or not. .
  13. They kept talking about Schofield's dunk against MS State several years ago as a comparison, but they never showed it!!! So, for your viewing pleasure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biq7-RAJ-Eo
  14. What course? Two under??? Nice!!! I can sometimes shoot below par on miniature golf!!! But the real game.....I don’t plan on joining the tour anytime soon!!!
  15. Came across this today while cleaning out some things. From October 2018. Sure didn’t age well...... .
  16. I quit watching last night. All the games that I have tuned in to watch, they only won two....but I saw every dang loss. Felt like I was a jinx. So if y’all don’t mind, I will take credit for the win last night!!!
  17. Not “out”.....but “virtual”. I know......same difference .
  18. In other news......I heard UT hired a new football coach.
  19. I know!!! And what’s even more surprising is all the local people I know that are making a big deal of this “non-event”. Schools delaying/closing, etc. for basic a bunch of nothing!! .
  20. The way it feels right now in Knoxville......the remainder of Winter 2021 can kiss my rear-end!!! Bring on spring!!! This is like the cute girl making eye contact with you, and maybe a little smile. You get excited for a brief moment, then get slammed back into reality.
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