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Everything posted by Greyhound

  1. My annoyance (among many...ha!) is that it's being reported that he's suspended for the "rest of the season"!!!! What's being overlooked by many is it's just for the REGULAR season.....so a few more weeks. Comes time for post-season........he's baaaaaaaack!!!! My take is he should be suspended for the rest of the season....no matter how long it is.
  2. Assume this is before the multidirectional shift away from the great TN Valley region?
  3. Rebuttal to the last sentence of the Knoxville entry: "having less snow might seem nice and certainly be convenient, but it represents a gradual decline in regional climate that will have a ripple effect on what grows and what survives." We get plenty of cold rain to make up the difference.
  4. You forgot Georgia’s very own General Beauregard Lee!!! He didn’t see his shadow today…..so bring on the warmer weather!!!!
  5. Bio on his main page says he's a forecaster with NWS/SPC............
  6. Seeing that the interstates in Knoxville had more brine than I had snow (.77” vs dusting)……my wife and I went on a 10 mile hike in the GSMNP. We started at Chestnut Top trail, went down Schoolhouse Gap to Laurel Creek Rd. Since it was closed, we walked the last 3.7 back on the road. Temp was 21 when we started and 28 when we finished. I would guess the max depth of snow to be around 3”.
  7. MRX evening update raised totals in Knoxville area to around an inch. We shall see…..
  8. Seeing some brine on roads in Knoxville
  9. What version of RadarScope do you have? Pro 1? Asking b/c of the longer loops in the super res options. I can only get the longer loops in the lower resolutions
  10. Inskip area……??? Finally started sticking here in FT City about 20 minutes ago.
  11. Good rates in Fountain City/Knoxville……just not sticking. Kids just came down the road in an ATV with a big plow on the front!! Gonna be waiting a little while…. .
  12. Seriously have blue skies above me right now .
  13. North of Mobile AL reporting snow/grauple…….while I anxiously await my incoming warm nose / dry snot slot in balmy sunny Knoxvegas (rant over). What’s the latest on the track of the low? Still going over the apps? .
  14. Some guy hiked the closed Clingmans Dome rd to the tower this morning before 441 was shut down. Got some great pics!!! On the Smoky Mountain Hiker Trash FB page if anyone wants to take a look .
  15. My wife asked me to explain our snow chances in Knoxville using terms she could understand, and not all the technical info discussed here. I told her "fading faster than a geriatric erection". She understands now.
  16. To add to your post......I live about 10ish miles south of you in Fountain City, and we flip-flopped between a mix and snow. Think we had about an inch or so of accumulation. My general approach the last few years is to take the model with the worst output for my area, then shave 75% off that total. That way my frustration at the lack of winter precip is not preceded by doubt/worry and doesn't come as a complete shock. Surprisingly (and sadly), that approach has worked quite well in regards to totals the past few years.
  17. Does he run the "DaculaWx" twitter and websites? Is this the same guy?
  18. I’m just now starting to use CC on RadarScope and really like it. Do you know what the white stands for? I was noticing a lot of that as the system first started entering Knox Co. .
  19. Just noticed this huge blob of mixed on Radar Scope. Anomaly??? (pic won’t load) .
  20. So are we looking at more of sleet/mixing issues in that case? .
  21. He wasn’t talking about a weather station. I think he was making a reference to a University of Tennessee Basketball player - Santiago Vescovi .
  22. Lots of people are saying UT should have kicked a field goal instead of going for it on the goal line. I disagree. My take - Heupel had already gone for it on 4th down on that drive…..so go for it again. Also, him going for the TD instead of a FG was sending a message to the team “I believe in you”. After all the damage the last few whistle-dick coaches have caused - win or lose, it sends a signal to the players that he’s got their backs (and SHOULD pay dividends down the road in team growth/unity). As much as I hate the end result…..I would rather lose from our effort (or lack) on the field, than a terrible officiating call. (Which……..why was that tight end TD for Purdue not whistles dead because forward progress had stopped???) .
  23. Live just a few miles from you. Feel free to reach out if you need anything.
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