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Everything posted by Greyhound

  1. Aren’t you around the Inskip road area? I’m in the neighborhood up behind St Joseph’s off Cedar Lane .
  2. I don’t have a PWS (too many trees), but this one is closest to my house. .
  3. Two questions related to roads: 1). When should it start sticking to roads in Knox County? Just all wet at the moment. 2). At what temp does the brine become ineffective? .
  4. Stove……What’s the name/station ID of yours (if you don’t mind me asking). 744? .
  5. Yeah……agree with you on the NAM possibility. I’ll give them credit, they are sticking with it and gonna ride that forecast till the very end. .
  6. For those keeping track……here’s the latest from WVLT. Still wondering what model runs they are hanging their hats on. .
  7. Get that RAP crap outta here!!!! I can’t handle a bust now that I’ve gone all in!!!! .
  8. Based on the consistent numbers these runs keep spitting out, I most certainly agree with you. One of my previous ways to “forecast” amounts at my house was to take about 75% off projected totals (and it worked!) but I’m not really feeling that with this system!!! Bring me the goods baby!!!!! Even though we live close to each other, I can’t wait to compare totals with you and Stovepipe. I think Silas live kinda close also. .
  9. Absolutely!!!! So many years I have wanted to sling that thing as far as I could throw it!!! .
  10. WVLT in Knoxville changed their area forecast to 2-5”. Guess the upgrade by MRX to include most of the area to a warning made them reconsider their previous paltry numbers. .
  11. Where are you located? Eerily calm at my house in Knoxville. Stay safe!! .
  12. It never fails. I step out for a while, then finally get a chance to catch up on all the posts while I’ve been away. Reading the posts…..things keep looking better and better and better. My hopes go up. My enthusiasm is through the roof. Then as I’m catching up and getting towards the end of the comments - there’s a model run (Euro) that makes the doubt and fear come roaring back. So here I sit…..worried and pissed until we get more data and trends. It sucks being a snow lover in the south. .
  13. Wonder how that crow tastes since they are the ones that put out that snowmageddon info yesterday?
  14. Wife and I came to Memphis this morning for a quick “business” trip. The wind and rain are rolling in. Sitting in our hotel room we can definitely hear the wind outside and that “whine” it makes around windows/doors. .
  15. Alright peeps……with the potential for a healthy dose of winter weather coming our way, I need to make you aware of the “Curse of The Snowman”. You see…..my wife has this decorative metal snowman that she hangs on the door every winter after Christmas. And every year we get what I call “nuisance snows”…..those around an inch or less. When she takes it down…..we get amounts well over 3-4” or more (2014, 2015, 2020). I live less than 5 miles from PowellVolz and he ALWAYS gets more than I do!!! Even more, when this dang metal contraption is hanging, it partially covers the window on the door and from the inside of the house, with the light shining from the outside……it creates a shadow that looks like an eerie jack-o’-lantern laughing at me!!! There is simply no way of NOT hanging this on the door. So this year, while saying a silent prayer to Frosty, I hung the metal snowman myself. So hopefully there’s some new mojo that will work in our favor. Yeah……this is all in jest……but you have been warned!!! .
  16. Warm nose? East TN shafted? Book it……this is almost always the final solution no matter how far out.
  17. Wow!!! We have friends leaving on a cruise from Ft Lauderdale sometime today .
  18. If my memory is correct, Knox County Schools we’re out for two weeks. We had 3-4 snow events during that time frame, and below freezing cold for quite a few consecutive days.
  19. We are headed to Mt LeConte midweek for a two night stay. I’m ok to hike in the rain, but the thunder boomers can stay away!!! .
  20. I’m trying to upload a gif from RadarScope but its to big of a file. Looking at relative velocity in the super resolution…..it’s switching back and forth from red to green. Is that an indication of winds swirling in the upper levels?
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