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Everything posted by Greyhound

  1. Update on this - they were releasing drones and monitoring them. I saw that on the main Helene storm page, as well as on Ryan Halls broadcast last night .
  2. Questions for those using Radascope: 1). How accurate is the storm accumulation mode? I don’t believe the amounts it’s showing for my area 2). For measuring wind, is it best to use Velocity or Storm Relative Velocity? I’m not trusting the gust near Holston Hills CC. .
  3. Yes sir!! I just found it. It’s the “MATLACHA” bridge connecting Ft Myers to Pine Island. .
  4. Question - Watching Governor Desantis press conference on Fox Live Now, and they have two webcams and a radar on the side of the screen. Anyone know the location of this cam/bridge? .
  5. Wife and I supposed to be in Oak Island NC Monday thru Thursday. Glad we bought trip insurance!!!!
  6. Drone footage from Reed Timmer / Greenfield, IA tornado .
  7. Possible multiple vortices per WBIR .
  8. Yep. Watching WBIR they are doing a good job showing radar, velocity and cor. coefficient as to how it’s depicted on radar. Talking debris balls and that it appears to be growing and tightening up. .
  9. Holston……sorry for delayed reply, but the metal snowman has been put up for the season. Major renovations started on the house last week, so we packed up and moved into an AirBNB for two months. Wife didn’t want it getting damaged. I told her that it was required to stay up until mid-March (per forum request)……..but I got “that look” and an eye roll!! Such blasphemy from that woman!!!! .
  10. Rub it in!!!! I’m gonna try Island Pointe next week!! Here’s the windmills up close…..well, as close as I could legally get. Pretty massive!! .
  11. Metal snowman is my wife’s. I hung it up this year and we got good results!!! Thing is…..we are a week or two away from starting a MAJOR renovation on our house and will be moving out for two months. No idea what she wants to do with that thing in the meantime……..but I will listen to the forum for advice!!!! [emoji1787] .
  12. You know the streets are bad and it’s really cold when kids are ice skating on the roads!!! .
  13. I see so many people on social media complaining that they are over it. Give them a few years and they will be whining that it NEVER snows here anymore. Me……I’m enjoying the heck out of it!!! As John1122 said, this is like the late 70s / early 80s!! I say bring it on!! .
  14. My wife and I were out and about yesterday and today, taking food to warming shelters and delivering food for Mobile Meals b/c they couldn’t get to all the people they serve. Went into some pretty elevated subdivisions I never knew existed, and lemme tell ya…..getting out of there was definitely a High Pucker Factor experience!!! Definitely agree with PowellVolz that the roads are much worse today. Knox county did call off schools for the rest of the week, but based on upcoming weather and the current state of some of the subdivisions, I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t go back until the middle of next week. .
  15. I mean……he DID work at WVLT!!! LOL!!! To be fair, I do like Aldrich and the enthusiasm he brings to his forecasts. But, I almost always come to these pages in regards to weather forecasts .
  16. Here’s the forecast from “Captain Accurate” (David Aldrich). Right or wrong…..no idea!! .
  17. I’ve noticed the same thing, but I primarily use Tapatalk on my phone. Never really paid attention to it when I’m on a computer .
  18. I’ve always wondered why my amounts have been less than others around me. Though maybe it was a defective Harbor Freight tape measure??? But seeing some totals of others around me I pulled up a topography map of Knox Co. My house is right at the red mark. Could it be that I’m getting some down sloping from this little ridge to the west? For the record……I’m sitting at 6.75” right now. Edit to add: there’s about a 200ft elevation difference from the highest point of that ridge to my house .
  19. Wonder where is she getting that info? I just looked on traffic cams and even though the map legend shows closed, I have seen some cars on those sections of roads. .
  20. I love that you have the locations for Egwani and River Island/Island Pointe on your RadarScope!!!! .
  21. Got out and rode around Knoxville for a few hours. Roads going downhill fast. Knox County doing their best to scrape/plow, but the rates were so high that their tracks were covered within seconds. UT campus isn’t much better. Saw a pile of snow that had been removed from the roads that was a good 8+ feet tall. Biggest idiot drivers - those in pickup trucks. Apparently they are invincible in regards to ANY road conditions. I had to pull over several times to let them pass me because they were riding my rear end. Second group of idiot drivers - people in Chevy and GMC SUV’s. Don’t know why it was this specific brand, but they were about as bad as the pickup trucks. Thirds group of idiots - smaller crossover SUV’s. Either I was over cautious, or they were over confident. All of them were flying around and treating the roads/conditions as just another normal day. I have drove enough off road at Windrock and Royal Blue that I respect the conditions and know how to operate my Jeep to keep it under control. And more so, I know how to react when things start going wrong. Doubt I could say the same for them. Overall…..had fun out riding around!!! Stay safe and be careful if anyone has to get out. .
  22. Got mine prepped and ready in case I NEED to get out. Still debating if I want to get out and play though…… .
  23. For those keeping tabs……..here’s the latest from WVLT .
  24. Actually……I started to feel sorry for the on-air people. They probably knew it was gonna bust high, but there was probably some one in management that told them what they HAD to say. Either that…..or they are just plain ignorant!!!! .
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