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About Greyhound

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Knoxville TN

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  1. Ha!!! My son lives not too far from there!! .
  2. Swing into Ferrell’s and get some burgers for the ride home!!! .
  3. I don’t know why, but I just can’t get excited about this one. I’ve seen too many of the deal killers mentioned for me to get my hopes up: • downsloping • sun angle • warm nose • virga • energy transfer / hand-off I hope I’m wrong and we all get a good event, but mentally, I’m just expecting a nuisance event at best for my location in Knoxville. .
  4. The area that is circled in your attachment is right over my house. It was windy and raining sideways……then the wind rapidly increased, things started flying around and we took off to a closet. I’ve got a gif from RadarScope but can’t get it to load, but here’s two screenshots that I was able to get: .
  5. Will be interesting when a local severe event breaks out. .
  6. I got up around 6am to let our dogs out and noticed light snow falling. Three hours later and it’s still coming down. Small tiny flakes, but a consistent light rate .
  7. Just a tad over 1.5” in Fountain City/Knoxville. Currently have freezing rain that has developed a crunchy coating on top of the snow. .
  8. Good deal. I’m in one of the neighborhoods up behind St Jospeh’s off Cedar Lane. Not too far from you .
  9. Very true (for computers), but doesn’t show on Tapatalk. (If it does, then I haven’t figured it out) .
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