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About Greyhound

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Knoxville TN

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  1. Will be interesting when a local severe event breaks out. .
  2. I got up around 6am to let our dogs out and noticed light snow falling. Three hours later and it’s still coming down. Small tiny flakes, but a consistent light rate .
  3. Just a tad over 1.5” in Fountain City/Knoxville. Currently have freezing rain that has developed a crunchy coating on top of the snow. .
  4. Good deal. I’m in one of the neighborhoods up behind St Jospeh’s off Cedar Lane. Not too far from you .
  5. Very true (for computers), but doesn’t show on Tapatalk. (If it does, then I haven’t figured it out) .
  6. One thing I would like to ask: It doesn’t happen so much here, but when I look at other websites/forums, people will post “it’s snowing at my house”……..but I have no idea where that is. There’s a lot of new people, and those who lurk but never post. So please add your location when posting an observation. Carry on .
  7. But at least there was some good advice in that pic……… .
  8. Definitely!! We went to Southeast Alaska in October and I was surprised at how little radar stations were available in that area and western Canada. And most of the time the ones I could see didn’t seem to cover a large area. .
  9. Well, my wife has it hanging in the carport this year and not on the front door. This is the first time she has had it there. Considering the wild swings some of these models are showing, I have concern that the current placement of the metal snowman is causing some anomalous shifts within the biosphere that we call the “Tennessee Valley”. What say ye gents…….shall we ride this out and see what comes to fruition?
  10. Wife and I went on an 11 day cruise to Southeast Alaska at the end of October. I’ve already experience a snowstorm, temps in the low to mid 20s, and gusty winds that chilled you to the bones. All that to say, I’m perfectly fine to skip this coming iteration of “winter” and proceed straight to spring.
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