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About chrisNJ

  • Birthday 02/02/1977

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Hillsborough, NJ

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  1. -4.9 on the Tempest for the low here in Hillsborough. Second coldest Ive ever experienced.
  2. Id wait until Spring or next August. Ideally you want 10 weeks before frosts to get adequate deep root growth otherwise you are asking for a patch that grows a little this year but is susceptible to disease and drought stress next year. I’ve learned the hard way and started my renovations this year in mid August because of it. The reno areas look great compared to the semi crispy “old grass” areas.
  3. Not garden variety here. Gust topped around 50. 0.45” in short period.
  4. 1.59” on the day probably 5 miles or less to your north. Probably over 3” up in Somerville.
  5. Completely agree. Mid August works, especially if you are seeding with tall fescue. It needs time to take and become well established before the cold weather and cold soil temps. Perennial ryegrass you can wait a little later, but my suggestion is start mid to late August and keep the area watered especially if we get another heat wave. I'm starting my big reno next weekend. Peat moss on top will help retain moisture and hopefully aid in preventing a major washout.
  6. Just got to MYR until next Friday. Now IM worried about a washout next week.
  7. 1.39 here off Amwell/Bypass all in less than 30 mins. Closer to 3” near Somerville Circle.
  8. Centered about 10 miles from here. That was crazy. Whole house was shaking for 20 seconds. Definitely felt like it was coming from the direction where it was centered.
  9. Bring it on. I will say the HRRR and some other models did well on the I-78 death band. Albeit not nearly as much snow was modeled but where it set up was fairly accurate.
  10. The crazy thing is we had about 11” here in Hillsborough with almost all falling between about 1 and 5AM
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