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Everything posted by CAPE

  1. Yeah the MA snow hole has been odd, but then, Nina does that. Although the immediate coast here has done well. I have a feeling I wont be chasing a blizzard in Rehoboth for the third year in a row.
  2. Yeah thats what I told him last night. Might mix with sleet later but should be mostly snow there.
  3. Wow. My brother lives just north of there. Thought that area would do well, but not that much this soon. Must be getting the 1-2" per hour bands.
  4. My brother lives in Oak Ridge, north of Greensboro. That seems like a really good spot for this storm. Should stay all snow there until the evening, then mix with sleet. Could see a foot there.
  5. I would be surprised to see a single flake. Easton and especially Cambridge have a decent shot at some flurries/light snow.
  6. The baroclinic leaf will save us up here tho. Northern fringe Deathband.
  7. Too warm there. Too cold here. Both screwed.
  8. I am legit excited now. I think I have a real shot at spotting a few stray flakes imy.
  9. Verbatim the NAM would have a couple inches of snow in Easton. I could drive from virga/pitty flakes in my yard to maybe some legit snow heading to work on Monday.
  10. Or at least in easy chase range for it. I could use a lame excuse to visit RAR or Evo.
  11. Yeah my yard is probably solidly into the virga instead of right on the edge.
  12. Too bad Canada is third string in the weather model biz.
  13. This is the type of storm Richmond would typically cash in on. They often miss out on storms that nail places just north. I hope the GFS is wrong. That would be pretty brutal. I was basically just parroting DT with the the Richmond 'snow hole' comment. I sincerely apologize to all the snow lovers in the Richmond vicinity. I meant no ill will. I am rooting for an over-performer for y'all. Good luck.
  14. Not bitterness. I would feel bad if this storm was a close miss to the south down there. Hopefully Richmond proper can get a solid advisory event. 2-4 seems reasonable.
  15. Yup. And mostly it doesn't.
  16. Poor Richmond. Truly is a snow hole. Might see a couple inches though.
  17. Lol I am kinda done doing detailed analysis with this one. It is really disappointing overall because we identified this period early on as one with so much potential, we tracked the f out of it, and the end result is a major snowstorm well to our south.
  18. Just anecdotal, but just about every time we get one of these pure southern sliders, I will have light snow in my forecast for the modeled 'northern edge'. Usually I end up with nothing- more typical with these events that the cutoff for actual precip ends up in lower S MD over towards SBY.
  19. I am getting into the Xmas spirit. *Grinch*
  20. Even with somewhat weaker/retreating HP to our north, the air is pretty dry. I would question whether any of that light precip on the northern fringe would even make it to the ground- weak lift/sinking air from the High would suggest the ground truth would be far less "impressive" than it appears on (some) guidance.
  21. I hope the SE crew isn't in a panic over the ICONic
  22. Here comes the late north trend
  23. I guess its just sort of 'bad luck" and bad timing. The PV is perturbed and the strongest piece has been sliding down over eastern Canada, and that has been pretty well modeled. All of these tropospheric 'daughter' vortices are a reflection of that. Too much of a good thing. Take a look at the h10 height anomalies as we head towards Sun-Mon. Impressive, but also in this case it translates to suppression. Of course beyond that it lifts out and shifts over towards Europe.
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