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Everything posted by CAPE

  1. I think it's about time to either change the thread title, or make a new winter discussion thread. @WxUSAF
  2. We will probably have a -AO/-NAO, +PNA/-EPO for most of the winter and it will be in the 40s and 50s for highs.
  3. Starting to resemble the CanSIPS, esp mid to late winter. It would be funny(and totally acceptable) if the CanSIPS ends up being correct with the general h5 look it has been advertising. It sure has been consistent.
  4. I noticed Mount Holly is less impressed with the chances of "heavy rain" for here next week. Now my forecast says chance of showers lol. Ofc I expected this, and in the end it will be a pity shower or some drizzle, with the main energy staying well west and heading up into NE. At least temps will be normal.
  5. lol I thought you were criticizing this sentence: “Whether or not it’s snowstorms, ice storms or mixed events, I do feel this is going to be an active year for the Northeast,” he said. That caught my eye because I read the bolded first and then read up. I didn't even notice the offending sentence. That one is indeed incorrect. eta- I am a bit of a grammar nazi myself(mostly homophones), but I am more lenient in forum threads
  6. Was 72 here this morning when I left for work and 69 now. Been overcast all day. TY BDCF. A few days ago it looked like today would be around 90.
  7. That "forecast " sucks either way. It's (it is) Farmer's Almanac level garbage.
  8. I always thought "it's" was a contraction for "it is".
  9. CanSIPS has been all over it for multiple runs. Gets legit progressing through this month. QBO dropped again, and along with the solar min, and persistence, I am a bit more optimistic than previous winters where the models were constantly engaging in false advertisement.
  10. QBO dropped to 8.25 for September.
  11. I guess maybe the backdooring has commenced. Temp has been pretty steady though for the past hour. Up one degree actually to 79 now.
  12. It wont even be close to that good for our area. You will be more sad.
  13. Temp "down" to 78 at 630 pm on Oct 2. How sad lol.
  14. Its like a mother effing oven outside. 94 here.
  15. That should be pretty easy to find. Any place that carries Southern Tier should have it this time of year. There is also a cold press coffee edition of the Pumking.
  16. I would happily take 0.6". I will expect something on the order of 0.06".
  17. It will surely evaporate, like all the other chances for sig rain recently. Drought begets drought. Atmospheric memory. Or some shiit like that
  18. The rum barrel aged Pumking was pretty good. The 13.4% abv made it worth the price, despite the pumpkin aroma being over the top. I won't go out of my way to get it again.
  19. I have grown a bit tired of the pumpkin ales. Maybe 2 or 3 really decent ones. The rest miss the mark in one way or another- over the top artificial pumpkin pie smell/lack of real pumpkin in the mash, or spices too prominent.
  20. Gotta hope the CanSIPS is onto something though. This is the third straight run of advertising the same general idea- significant HL blocking and a PNA/EPO ridge. We haven't seen this sort of look advertised on super LR/climate models for ages...right?
  21. I 'think' this may be implying a weakened PV.
  22. New CanSIPS is out. Looking at h5 height anomalies, there is a ridiculous amount of red lol. Good news is, its mostly in the right places, and our region is not in any of it from Nov through Feb.
  23. I think it should be "The PISssssss"
  24. I kinda think it should be designated PIS. I mean, it is the Public Information Statement.
  25. Maybe last night overperformed. Didn't have a chance to look at anything today, But as of this time yesterday when I made that post, that corridor had 8-12 per the the PNS, webcams showed wet roads and melting, and the forecast discussion was downplaying the second round for last night(2-4" for Cut Bank). The most impressive obs(verified by the webcams) were in Glacier, at around 5000 ft and up.
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