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About walthsnow

  • Birthday 05/26/1981

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Ashland, MA

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  1. Gnarly cleanup in Framingham. Had a push shovel and tried to cut down through the sleet and ice to curl it all up in one big push. Definitely one of the stranger storms I’ve been in up here.
  2. Seems to have transitioned to mostly snow now in Framingham. Covering everything up.
  3. Really appreciate all of the top-notch discussion in here. This place rocks! Question about this storm. Is this as top tier as a Miller A can get? Are Miller B's more likely to bring prodigious snow amounts? In the historical record for this area, do Miller A's or B's bring bigger snow totals? Appreciate the perspective and best of luck to all for this storm!
  4. Really appreciate your forecast Ray and taking the time to share your thoughts. In addition, thanks to all of the mets on this board that provide such thoughtful and excellent insight that you can't get anywhere else. Ended with around 14" in Framingham but hard to tell because of some compaction from yesterday. Cool storm but a PITA to track.
  5. Look to be pushing 8" here in Framingham. Snow is piling up with extreme efficiency. Hoping to break double digits.
  6. Flakeage commences in Framingham. Here we go.
  7. Sweet!! I’m on the Ashland/Framingham line. Must be close to that then here too!
  8. Awesome stuff!! That band really delivered the goods. Lightened up dramatically here. Still some light snow. Maybe a bit over 20
  9. Yeah, I’ve got a few in the backyard, totally bent to the ground. They usually perk back up after knocking off the snow.
  10. Still pounding here. Not sure how much but got to be getting close to 20". South of Framingham
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