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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. There are some patterns in which it is physcially impossible to see a major snowfall across interior SNE...this weekend is not one of them. Period.
  2. Its both....common issue I have seen on this board is a struggle to engage nuanced thinking. Very "all of nothing" type of mindsets....
  3. I knew you were going to say this....its both. I have had some very large storms over the past several years. I agree with you that this is an underlying issue that makes it more difficult...like I said, its not a KU cookbook pattern. However, things can and have still come together. I have had 4 snowfalls of over a foot since 2018. This weekend still could have worked out, but it isn't....that is some bad luck. Were odds worse because of the active jet? Sure. Its like the odds of a cold winter given CC....it can still happen, but the odds are stacked against it. Well....in this multiyear pattern, large snowfalls happen in this area, but odds are more stacked against it. Sometimes we catch a break, but here we didn't.
  4. It sucked for many spots both in and out of the jungle...clearly you were in a good spot. I don't get the need to try and impart your reality onto others..makes very little sense.
  5. It was Dec 2019 that had the MECS. They all melted quickly, though.
  6. I think some of the dearth of snowfall in at least SNE this month was attributable to bad luck. Next weekend is by no means a KU cookbook pattern, but it could have easily produced a decent snow event with better wave spacing.
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