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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. Yea..its either the fact that I am truely selfless, or my wife would toss my laptop out the window...maybe a bit of both?
  2. Thanks, Phil....I have a feeling I'll be slightly more "blessed" than I would care to be for most of January, while my wife recovers
  3. Yea, I figured something was up. I take a look and put something out either tomorrow or this weekend if it warrants.
  4. I haven't looked...I have been out of my mind with the holidays approaching and the three kids....wife has really slowed down the past couple of weeks, as she is due 1/3.
  5. See, this was the operative word in my perfunctory assessment last night, and as expected, its already clear given the 006z suite that we have not met that criteria.
  6. I love the buns from people for not working myself into a lather over some light snow on the cape that needs an inexorable trend for the final 72 hours to be anything more. Let me remind myself to massage my prostate to that before bed.
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