Verification of Friday Snows
Poorly Prepared Forecast Missed Heavier Coastal Band
The clipper system that moved through during the day on Friday proved to be quite the challenge for forecast guidance, as there were uncharacteristically large shifts until essentially the snow actually began to fall. There were two main aspects that guidance struggled to grasp:
1) Just how close the developing coastal system would track to the coast and just how fast it would develop. This obviously had large ramifications with respect to how far inland the burgeoning precipitation shield would make it and how intense it would be.
2) The precise placement of an ocean enhanced band of snowfall that was triggered by an onshore fetch out ahead of the storm system itself.
Obviously a capricious forecast of this nature with mesoscale features such as ocean enhanced snowfall required immense attention to detail until the final moment, which is a commitment that this writer was ill prepared to make with the holidays fast approaching and the assumed paltry magnitude of the approaching system. Thus there was never a Final update issued as is usually the case, which likely would have at least somewhat reflected of a track slightly closer to the coast, along with the potential for more moderate snowfall within the ocean enhanced snow near the coast. The implication of this is that the issued forecast missed the 1-3" of snowfall that fell over cape cod and the islands, as well as extreme southeastern Massachusetts due to the slightly closer track and faster development of the storm, which maintained enough lift to transition rainfall to snow before exiting. The forecast also failed to account for the 3-6"+ of snowfall that fell within the coastal band, which something that guidance began to signal Thursday night and Friday morning, albeit struggling with its placement.
The forecast clearly lacked the nuanced detail that was required given the mesoscale nature of the snowfall near the coast, however, snowfall amounts were fairly well forecast over the majority of the area. The forecast would clearly have been better served to have been updated to reflect a band of 3-6"+ along the immediate north shore and into the Boston area, as well as a 1-3" area over the cape and islands.
Final Grade: D