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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. Neither will I, but for different emotions/state of mind.
  2. Yea...that would have produced a string of shitty, albeit colder, winters in the 1800s.
  3. As painful as this would be for me, hopefully it would shut the CC zealots up for a day. Not that CC isn't real because it is, but the over attribution is fuc(ing nauseating.
  4. If it still looks like this through 12z Wednesday, then I think we're fu(ked.
  5. We have also had plenty inexorably march northward.
  6. @78Blizzard is in utter disbelief!!
  7. Well, after that run, I think Mother Nature has managed to stuff everynone of my orifices a minimum of three times over the past several years.
  8. Right...but everyone was saying the same thing a week ago....though I don't think that is as likely this go around.
  9. That is the same trend on the 18z EURO AI.
  10. Pattern hasn't been perfect, but one would think we would have gotten more than we have...I mean, 'cmon....if this whiffs, I'm sitting at 2" crossing the midway point here on the NH border.
  11. Well, its also rare to get hardly any snow during a cold winter following several virtually snowless seasons, so there's that...
  12. I think its just the ICON doing ICON things, but its possible.
  13. People pass out before they even open the thread
  14. And the 6 paragraphs comprise just the title
  15. I'm leaning larger impact, yes....doesn't have to mean EMATT, or whatever the fuc( that acronym is.
  16. Seems as though the model is sniffing it out, but struggling to determine the intricacies of how the complex steam interaction/phasing will take place and probably won't until very close in.
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