I just crossed my mind today...1979-1980 is my futility year, and there is a striking resemblance...probably comes down to whether or not I get skunked on SWFE potential in Feb.
I thought we were passed the S stream energy trail when I got relatively confident...I wasn't that worried about the N stream, but S stream regressing at the last moment changes everything.
At least this way we don't have to be endure endless waves of West warm pool and phase 5 graphics....shove it up a different orifice; that one is inflamed-
EURO had a massive bust in this range just last year with that storm that went way supressed to the south in February. Disheartening, but not done yet.
I mean, if some are slitting their wrists over this type of variance on a day 5+ ensemble mean, most of this forum needs to hop on my caseload...shit. I accept BCBS, HP, and Tufts.