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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. I think there will be front enders, which 2018-2019 had plenty of. If things are timed right, some bonafide SWFEs, too.
  2. I certainly don't expect to hit March with single digits snowfall and probably not under 25-30".
  3. I went +2 to +4 for the DM period, so banking on some warmer times in the second half of the season, but also somewhat snowier, too.
  4. Hey @qg_omega, how is the +6 DJF looking??
  5. -EPO keepa Canada cold allows said cold to dump imto the US....in. -PNA/+NAO pattern, it dumps WEST.
  6. No, not necessarily..all -EPO does is keep Canada cold, but has nothing to do with storm track. 2018-2019 is a great example of an unfavorable -EPO where the coast got screwed.
  7. I don't think so....he has like 1.5", but averages like 15" less than I do.
  8. I can't imagine anyone is further below normal than I am at 2" on the season...maybe a tiny sliver just N of me in se NH?
  9. Did you actually look at the composite? Its the last 9 winter seasons and its terrible for east coast cold and snow.
  10. Okay, care to present empirical evidence that RNA/+WPO/+EPO isn't hostile?? Here is the WPO correlation for starters...does this look favorable for NE cold &/or snow??
  11. 2008 did essentially the same thing...late-blooming Modoki.
  12. While I do think that there is some truth to this, I also believe that there is an element of projection at play here, too.
  13. Yes, and I am on record as having stated that if that global tendency doesn't shift by the end of the decade or shortly thereafter, then I will entertain that as a realistic possibility..but we aren't there yet.
  14. No, I agree...all I am intimating, and he appears to have become defensive. All I am saying is that I don't think this most recent 9 year stretch is a great period of time to test that theory because the baseline pattern was so awful, anyway. I'm not saying that identical patterns wouldn't necessarily yield less overrunning than they did 70 years ago...they probably would. But we need to remain mindful overattribution.
  15. I'm not even so much impugning the premise as I am merely arguing that there is another more obvious cause that is perfectly viable.
  16. I don't agree-sorry. You are going to get a lower frequency of prolific overrunning snowstorms in a -RNA/+EPO/+WPO pattern, which has been the predominate paradigm since 2015....that was the case in 1763, and it's the case now. Take 2013-2014 for instance.....the fast flow wasn't prohibitive of overrunning that season, was it?
  17. I remember DT in like late November-early December essentially guaranteeing that we wouldn't see La Niña and mocking the CFS. Nice to see some validation after all of the time I put into that over the summer and fall. Now if it would just snow, that would be cool, too.
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