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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. Phil, what exactly are you confused about? Chasing more moderate pots of gold at the end of the day 7 rainbow isn't exactly enthralling attm given the seasonal tend, but check back with me late week.
  2. 3" didn't intrigue me, so I'm not sure what in the hell your point is.
  3. No harm in being wrong...especially for us amateurs. I learn the most when I'm wrong...which I def. was about December...January is going better.
  4. I think you may have finally gotten through to him.
  5. I'm not asking for snowmeggedon, I'm asking for climo... its been 7 years. This aptly demonstrates just how clueless you really are if you think the cold in and of itself is what this contingent yearns for. Cold in the absence of snow is the least desired outcome and immediately going cold and dry after years of prohibitive warmth is immensely frustrating.
  6. WPO is much different, but other than that...
  7. Here is the pattern this year....no wonder it's been a cesspool as far as activity for the NE. Now here is my season of futility...not the most disparate looks in the history of analogs....
  8. Earliest I have ever began my fantasy baseball draft prep.
  9. I had a pretty good month of January snowfall wise that year...active. 17.5"
  10. So far, this is the most boring season since 2011-2012, but at least that was warm.
  11. Agree RE February...will have to see if we have a SSW in Feb regarding March.
  12. Again...Modoki index really only matters if its a substantial event...NBD when weak.
  13. Yea, this is what I was saying earlier this week as I was progressing through the stages of grieving regarding this current mess.....happy to see a WAR pop later this month, as we near peak climo.
  14. I knew there was a shot at a couple of inches, but like I said...didn't care. I wasn't blogging for 1-3" after whiffing on 1-3' and sitting at under 5" in mid Jan. I'm really frustrated and needed a break.
  15. Yea, much needed break today here, too.
  16. Hey, could be my largest event of the year...any time I have a chance to double my seasonal snowfall in one event, I'm interested.
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