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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. I understand that it was only cold versus the 1991-2020 climo period. I cited that this was as cold as 2003-2004??? What I said was this was the first below average temp season that also feaured below average snowfall for my area since 2003-2004. You have misinterpreted what I said. I have agreed countless times that we are warming, so I'm not sure how we keep ending up back at this disconnect regarding that. Regarding the second bolded content....that is fine, but I'm glad we both agree that we need to wait for more data. See, this is why your assertion that a benchmark snowstorm pattern is a thing of the past is a theory...its yet to be validated. I wasn't referring to your observations about the past as theory. I do agree about the increasingly feast or famine aspect, but I also think we are still going to see some "feasts" that will slow any reduction in snowfall climo more than you imply.
  2. Guy I went to HS with was snowmobiling in Pittsburgh, NH...he said it was about up to his waiste.....up to 4' in spots.
  3. I'm glad that you used the term "guess" because that is exactly what the theory is right now.....a guess. The average snowfall in NYC since the 2014-2015 season is 23.3". CPK went from 1977-1978 through the 1992-1993 season without even a 30" season. I understand that you can cite differences between past subpar periods with the more modern ones, but that doesn't change the fact that we are in need of more data to validate your theory. Hence it should not be assumed as fact. Any theory worth a damn will have some data and observations to support it, but that doesn't automatically deem it fact.
  4. I'm done with anything greater than nuisance snows, but I do think it will snow again.
  5. In like a wolfe, out like a deflowered lamb
  6. Well, he doesn't sell anything to deer, so yea...
  7. This is actually the first below average temperature season that also featured below average snowfall since 2003-2004 for my area. Snowfall is more correlated to seasonal precipitation than temperature where I live and its like that for the northern half of SNE. That said, obviously I don't want exceptionally warm temperature anomalies like last year, either. As far as storm track...just a cycle, but like I said, I will reevaluate if we are still doing this in about 7 years.
  8. He actually travels all over New England for work.
  9. Yea, I agree it will be pretty useless...like most of the cold this winter for my region. Better luck next year.
  10. No one is seriously considering it....just something we've kept in the back of our minds.....like these annual asteroid's that have like a 2.3% chance of impacting earth.
  11. Nothing personal, Barry.....but I usually don't scroll back to the previous fall to seek out ENSO threads pertaining to the next year.
  12. Even if it did propagate, I don't think it would really manifest into the troposphere until the end of the month, which just too late for most.
  13. Yea, I have never envisioned this late season SSW has very impactful for us.
  14. I don't think we will have a -PDO next season and may ENSO maybe warmer than cold-neutral. Even if the PDO is still technically negative, it's important to consider that a heavy component of the PDO is a reflection of what is transpiring, so the momentum is more important. This year is a great illustration.....fairly deeply - PDO by numeric standards, but strongly +PNA in the seasonal mean.
  15. You know its a keeper with deep lows dispersed all over southeastern Canada.
  16. It had the placement of the band correct, it just closed off too quickly/far to the southwest, as I had anticipated it would.
  17. *** All weather updates from Kevin Wood on Facebook
  18. The February thread has morphed into the NNE CJ this week. All of the mountain folk sittin' in a big circle in a remote cabin somewhere yankn' away to see who can shoot farthest-
  19. His weather posts on social media are always serious and grounded, believe it or not......the only thing he is obsessed with more than a LI Express redux is being perceived well by others outside of this place.
  20. I noticed a group of fat, burly cons strolling Manhattan out on early parole...wonder how they pulled that off?
  21. Man, this is my lowest seasonal snow total since 2011-2012...as bad of a stretch as we have been in, it got worse as soon as some cold arrive. Kama Sutra-
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