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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. Obviously there are no guarantees.....plenty of threats that have had ample support of have supplied the pork this decade.
  2. This is why I have never bothered to block anyone....the quoting largely defeats the purpose and its not worth the effort. I wish you guys could stop quoting Kev...
  3. Irony is....if I do get 30" over the next two weeks, my driveway will begin to resemble in igloo......I have 3-4' bankings now. Some of those 1-2" ass-mist events had some meat to them.
  4. I am as large of a fan of sarcasm as anyone, but I explained on Sunday in pretty vivid detail why there is very strong support for this.
  5. Startlingly good continuity with 00z, actually.
  6. Yes, Jan 11. I was wrong about that. I couldn't believe the trends on that reversed, but like I said yesterday, that is less likely later in the season. Doesn't mean it can't happen, but a very suppressed strom track like that is less likely to materialize.
  7. Yea, I could def. see it ending up ugly, too....but hopefully we grab like several inches. I'm okay with a messy event like that on the weekend.....bring it.
  8. At least my family isn't home right now, if there were ever a time to lose power, I'd pick now.
  9. They always seem to come at obnoxious times.....ugh, I can't stand it. Just piss off.
  10. That has always had the look of a more bonafide SWFE to me......unlike these episodic deposits of 1-2" of anal mist from the depth of ma nature's crack that come at the most inopportune times. This weekend looks like a December 2007 type deal.
  11. There should be....that is when the tropics stop resisting what is going on at the pole and constructively interfere.
  12. The speed of movement is so overrated in terms of snowfall...its much more significant with respect to tidal issues. 12-18 hours is plenty if you are in the right spot beneath stellar dynamics. I'll recover from missing out on an extra 6 hours of shredded returns that amounts to 2-3".
  13. Please be right...pass on an inch of glop during the commute. I'd just assume wash my balls in a sink full of nitroglycerin.
  14. This week blows. Wish Thursday would evaporate...not blog worthy.
  15. Please relegate yourself to still shots. Thanks.
  16. I have zero use for the 1-3" shit...perhaps on a weekend.
  17. I think that is likely....if you are actually analyzing what is going on and not just simply basing your perception off of lead time.
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