I've waited to blog about this threat, despite the ceiling, for a reason...part of me still feels like I may never need to bother. I'll decide this weekend whether to do a write-off piece, or a preliminary threat assessment type.
I'm really going to want to turn the page if next week doesn't work....not sure I want any more "chances".....hopefully the pattern flips in March and I can check out.
GEFS and EPS both have increasing spread back to the west, with kind of an inverted trough eppendage like feature, so there must be at least a couple of larger hits showing up.
I think its always been high confidence that there will be a large storm near the east coast, but I'm still leery of how exactly it unfolds....so no, still not entirely sold on a big hit.
Just looks like 06z isn't quite as proficient as a phase, but if that is the level of variance we are seeing at this range, that is about as glaring a signal as one could expect.
Unless your telling me we are going to have a 1/100 year jet intensity like the Super Storm, that caps things up here at around a foot...give or take.