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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. Just to be clear.....CC is absolutely real. I think it if it continues in abated, it will have to evnetually cause a drastic decrease in snowfall, but I don't think we are as close as some are implying given that a lot of this warmth (not all) is observed nocturnally. I'm not denying CC....I'm arguing is overattributed.
  2. Right.....all that is right now is a radical postulation.
  3. Sometimes the alignment is just off and cold pattern doesn't end up conducive to large NE snowstorms. Look at that mean vortex position this season....look familiar???
  4. That's crap. This is what I can't stand about CC zealots....you can't win. Everything is due to CC....pattern is warm? CC. Its cold, but you missed that big storm? CC. Any guess at which season was my least snowiest on record? Let me help. Climate change?
  5. Maybe that is why the piss ant result isn't impacitng us...I haven't looked at this threat in days....however, the phasing failure is attributable to that shitty ridge out west.
  6. Need to see about next year.....if its an el Nino, I have a hunch its going to be a modest Modoki that will slay for my area and should be decent down there. But I expect the turn of the decade or shortly thereafter to be very favorable, as the Pacific phase shift should be complete and we will be nearing solar min.
  7. Compressed or not, that funky ridge alignment out west needs to piss off....that's why I took one look last week and dismissed Thrusday. Its been there all season.
  8. That's usually the point of the season when Kev gets upset with people for saying that.
  9. At least my ass will heat up faster in the car on sunny days...can't take that away from me, ma nature...you bi1ch.
  10. Even though I expected it, its sickening.......I knew guidance wasn't coming back when the 12z EURO bailed on Saturday. I haven't glanced at a model since.
  11. I'm sure this will still be met with an element of resistance.
  12. I wish I wasn't right about Thursday shitting the bed....this stretch would be getting pretty epic if I tacked on 20" to what I have now. Some of the bankings on the side of my driveway are like 6'.
  13. Yea, take the Mansfield snow stake....turn it sidways, and you know the rest....
  14. Been nothing like that season in New England in terms of snow snowfall.
  15. I think we can put to bed that theory that CC is causing a semi-permanent trough west/ridge east alignment. We'll probably get a decent season before the turn of the decade, which is when we enter a really nice stretch.
  16. Now that its clear this PV isn't going to produce a large storm for us, like the one last month, I wish it could kindly lift north and GTF out never to returnt until next December. Thanks.
  17. Ironically enough, that is probably why it didn't get colder....even though the wind makes it feel colder....
  18. Still time for the Pats to make the playoffs, but time is running out.
  19. Good rule of thumb....if its inland let it fly, if its off the coast its a ghost.
  20. I haven't looked at anything since guidance went to shit Saturday, but there should be at least one more viable threat before the pattern breaks.
  21. You actually probably easily could have lost power...just luck. I was only messing...
  22. Yea, I was actually worried the rain would wash the pretreat away, but felt you needed to try bc the refeeze was a disaster.
  23. No...I'm too warm. I didn't have a torch, but was too warm.
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