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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. There was no doubt that the huge blocking that was pushed back all winter would manfest itself in April and stick around all summer. Uncanny.
  2. ETA Novie 2nd, but I have a hunch that we will be trick or treating in the delivery room.
  3. Thanks, Brian...mother nature owes me an el nino, so hopefully the atmosphere can deliver it haha
  4. Hopefully we can take another stab at weak el nino this year....I like 1.2 and 3 starting cold, anyway. Thanks for the feedback, Raindance...good stuff.
  5. I'd love to get a snowy December for once. Should have some time to really dig into things this fall, as I'll be out of work for awhile after my daughter is born.
  6. Agree....should be either warm-neutral or weak el nino. If it were to be the latter, then find it hard to believe that we would have two consecutively that behaved so erratically, but I found alot hard to believe last year that I shouldn't have in hindsight. I think odds of nino are less than 50/50 atm.
  7. Thanks, man....yea, we'll see. I don't see anything egregiously bad for next year, but as we saw last season, that does not guarantee anything. Hopefully we edge back into el nino territory.
  8. I just mean that it didn't work out...I was confident, but I ended up with egg on my face because it was wrong....its an expression.
  9. Just finishing brushing the egg off of my face from last season in time to begin parsing through data for the coming season. Early ENSO thoughts are nothing surprising. https://easternmassweather.blogspot.com/2019/08/first-look-at-enso-for-winter-2019-2020.html
  10. "Owning" failure is a prerequisite for learning...so if you aren't willing to do that, than none of your work is worth $hit.
  11. What are your thoughts on 1969-1970? Just starting to look at things, and this season catches my eye for some obvious and not so obvious reasons. Good work last year. I have learned a great deal from your way of looking at things.
  12. Yea, I remember you posting about that. May very well hold some weight.
  13. Yea, no one nailed it....some obviously better than others, but even those that got it "right" missed some key points. I was awful.
  14. Verification: https://easternmassweather.blogspot.com/2019/06/winter-outlook-2018-2019-verification.html Note that the final grade is representative of the overall, DM performance of the temp and snowfall forecast from the mid atlantic through SNE. Obviously, if we are just grading SNE snowfall, than its an F. But we aren't....so C-
  15. I just need a break after winter...I go hard for like 5 months. I still have to do my post season write up...been backed up writing assessments at work.
  16. Hi for the year so far today....82.8 off a low of 52.3. Unusually cool mornings late into year...hit 40 Tuesday am...I radiate very well. 64.0/55.2
  17. 55.9 at my place in Methuen 59.0 in Wilmington at my mother's
  18. Hosed all winter here, may as well carry the torch through spring.
  19. My best event...man, that was the cherry on top of a pretty damn near perfect outlook. There was only one direction to go, and sure enough, this season went in it. lol
  20. We have had duplicate seasons haha
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