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40/70 Benchmark

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Posts posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. Xmas '02 was a great storm. We didn't get the jackpot in ORH like further NW did, but we had 13.5" of snow...started around 6-7am and went all day into the night ending in the overnight hours. There was actually a lot of sleet not too far SE...down in NE CT, N RI, and up near metro-southwest Boston.

    I turned to sleet and rain after about 5".

  2. Stall is nowhere near what it was on 12z Euro.


    Not only is SLP further east, the rapidity of exit is greater:

    It's like 30 miles east at 18z Tuesday, then by 0z Wednesday it really starts to move away about 60 miles northeast.

    Also, the spoiler low starts off southeast of the low we had on the 12z Euro, but eventually is much further northeast.


    Upsetting for lots of folks I'm sure.

    For eastern MA, hope we do well on a deformation band which now seems to be ours.

    Sorry, i'll trade 7 extra hours of 1/2" per hour snow for the deformation band.

    This is nirvana.

  3. What's nice about that position is it still provides some wiggle room in the leadup for almost the entire subforum.


    It's still on the western side of the guidance, it looks similar to me to the RGEM?


    What's nice about that position is it still provides some wiggle room in the leadup for almost the entire subforum.


    It's still on the western side of the guidance, it looks similar to me to the RGEM?

    I agree.


    i was thinking to myself that i would like to see the EURO on the west edge of guidance.


  4. Yeah someone will get 30" in this probably...but I wouldn't be forecasting that anywhere. I would feel much better just broadbrushing 18-24 with perhaps a few stratigic spots for 24"+ like Harvey did...though even that is not easy. Prob south shore where they will get enhancement for a time off the ocean and snow is last to shut off Tues night or early Wed morning...maybe north shore too.


    That is how i played it.

  5. I'm honestly not trying to be a wet blanket, but record storms are record storms for a reason - they are rare.


    As Ray just said, you kind of leave the record stuff for when you see the whites of its eyes.


    The glaring mistake that I saw right off the bat is that obviously, they didn't know where the banding would set up....so they blanketed. Fine.

    But you blanket with a the tamer range, not 24-36" :lol:

    Say 18"+, and perhaps outline "hot spots" where the possibility for 2' or more is highest.

    That is how I played it.

  6. This could be the Blizzard of 2005 all over again...aka, boston mets discounting snows on the Cape, only to scramble at the last minute and jack up accumulations, or just refuse to acknoledge the fact that we got 3 feet of snow (I'm looking at you Pete Bouchard, called for 8-16 with a changeover to rain, ended up with 36).


    Time and time again there's too much model hugging when it comes to rain/snow lines over the Cape with these historic storms (and I'm not just saying that b/c I live there as I'm in the city now). As the LP bombs out heavy banding makes it very hard for temps to actually climb above freezing and change precip (look at 850mb temps and you'll see exactly what im talking about).

    Canadian and NAM have Cape as Jackpot with 28-34. This one will be interesting...

    I think I have a shot to beat the 25" I got in that one....maybe even Nemo's 27"


    #1 Is April '97...only 30-spot of my life.

  7. Makes it real hard to collaborate a pretty map when you get one office running nude through the streets.


    This is probably an exercise in futility considering most people around here, but folks really need to beware of some caution flags. I'm not saying this won't be a great storm, but locking in record totals from NYC through BOS is dangerous. If you check BOX's experimental snowfall graphics, their most likely total is only an inch or two lower than the maximum, and 10-15 inches higher in some cases than their minimum. That to me says it all. We (as an organization) got a little carried away and started forecasting totals too close to the maximum possible rather than the most likely.


    I like thinking about it in terms of the HPC graphics. I can't post graphics right now for whatever reason, but in essence 3 out of 4 forecasts are greater than 18 inches, and 3 out of 4 forecasts are less than 27 inches. There's maybe the range you should be thinking about, rather than 24-36 inches.

    I agree.

    I thought the initial 24-36" right out of the gate was silly.

    I went 18"+.


    24-36 is a range reserved for about 6 hours out, imo.

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