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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. @raindancewx Thanks alot for the awesome data updates....very much appreciated. Tough to keep up as much this fall with a newborn. I remember looking at how paltry the ECMWF was with the ENSO peak last year and Isummarily dismissed it, which I seldom do. I was waiting to include it in my last blog update, but ended up leaving it out. Lol
  2. Fine with me...whatever the majority wants...
  3. The CANsips image that Ventrice tweeted def. looks positive NAO. Little discrepancy...
  4. Yea, I'm not saying its classic -NAO.. I am fine with saying neutral.
  5. No more positive than the anonalies over Greenland. Neutral to slightly negative is my interpretation.
  6. I disagree. There are modest positive anonalies INVO Greeland. We all agree its a nice look.
  7. That's why I said neutral to slightly negative..
  8. Yea, which is why I don't agree with it being a replica of the past few seasons...its better, save for March 2018..
  9. That looks like a neutral to even a modestly neg NAO to me...
  10. None of the BS we had last season...we need to settle on a date and time to discuss what should be a decently wintery month of December. Oops.. sneak preview of outlook? We should do Monday 12/16, Friday 12/20, or Saturday 12/21, since Monday 12/23 isn't an option because Will usually melts if its too close to the holiday.
  11. Yea, not buying a slow start....have had my mind made up on that.
  12. Seen @Isotherm lurking of late.....tis the season.
  13. I will always be a little bitter about last season...one of my top analogs was 1968-1969, as the MEI was very low that year, too. Snow stake records, etc. Had I not missed the dearth of blocking, I would have nailed it....but I didn't, and I whiffed.
  14. Yea, the SSW providing the impetus for tremendous PV recovery coupled with a stagnant MJO doomed any prospect for second half blocking until............spring.
  15. People also lose sight of the fact that it was a pretty damn impressive year about 150mi nw of here.....this wasn't 2001-2002.
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