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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. I don't think it matters much until you get to maybe the Berkshires.
  2. I'd be stunned at 3-6" to the ORH hills.
  3. Nothing supports accumulating snow. There is no "potential", as is.....
  4. 89-90 was one of my analogs....I think the NAO will flip back like that for a time once the PV recovers.
  5. I almost had 100"...give me that seaaon.
  6. I bet PNA replaces NAO...if not, then we thaw.
  7. Ukie trended a bit warmer...12z had weekend system ending as flurries to I495....poof on 00z. I think people got carried away with the 00z NAM because my product reflects very little in the way of snowfall for sne...actually looks like the EURO with the Houlton, ME focus. Maybe an inch or two of slush for Monadnocks. Season should start in early December...hang with 'em.
  8. Congrats, Houlton, ME on the EURO. Several inches...yay. Pretty consistent.
  9. Key for a biggie will be getting a PNA flex to avail itself of NAO.
  10. Agree. My first favored period is 12-5 to 12-19. Preseason is drawing to a close...time to man the blog with diaper in hand.
  11. I'd bet against it mattering for 90% of the forum.
  12. I'm also leery of any PV disruptions providing some temporary deconstructive interference to attempts at sustained blocking. Bottom line to expect variability early on...better bet for sustainability is later on. So far, it does seem like any SSW may be more conducive than last season's.
  13. No complaints, so far. Significant snow always a long shot around here in Novie, even in a great pattern.
  14. That is my issue....I expected some NAO in December, but also variabilty, which should promote storminess. Doubt the sustained block early on in the season. Could have some prolonged PNA, though.
  15. Too bad I only had a light coating of snow on Sunday night to show for it....
  16. I was below 40 from early Friday evening until nearly noon on Tuesday....unheard of for SNE in mid Novie.
  17. I hope it does. May as well track far enough north to snow where it can. I won't mind seeing the ORH hills miss out on catpaws.
  18. North Pacific Oscillation.. replaced EPO
  19. Speaking of which, any idea why CPC never has a valid NPO value for December? Its always 9999....
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