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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. Once I saw you had posted, I knew what to expect and wasn't dissapointed. Lol No need to check guidance or view the images.
  2. I wouldn't worry yet if I were towu, either....we saw what happened after one early storm to kick off last year.
  3. I think we will have blocking in second half, but of we don't, it will be tough because Pacific should grow more hostile.
  4. 1-3" along I95? Boston had over 7"...our outlooks are significantly different.
  5. The December theme that I tried to communicate in my outlook was activity and volatility...IOW, plenty of winter weather, but expect some mild periods interspersed. Good start. Buckle in...suspect we aren't done.
  6. No complaints...not one of my favs, but great event. 12" rd 1, 7" rd 2
  7. 19" Final 16" depth Lowest depth 14.5"...highest 17"
  8. I think Kocin would include it in the "near miss" section...
  9. Check this excerpt out from my 11/24 blog post....stratospheric assist mid Dec via NAO pulse imo https://easternmassweather.blogspot.com/2019/11/wet-holiday-travel-week-leads-to-onset.html The potential ramifications of this stratospheric warming on on the polar domain during the month of December may not be as many anticipate, and will instead act to ensure that blocking is not in fact sustained. While sustained episodes of blocking have been intermittently evident on extended range guidance, this is likely in error. Any such occurrence will likely be reserved for later in the season because conditions should be hostile for the development of sustained blocking during the first half of boreal winter 2019-2020 due to the considerable initial intensity of the PV, in conjunction with the delayed descent of the easterly QBO phase. As outlined in the winter outlook, this does not preclude intervals of negative NAO and bouts of wintery early season weather, owed to the elongation of the PV that is conducive to periodic and transient cold intrusions, as well expected volatility of the NAO modality. It is also important to note that while conditions appear favorable for at least minor disruptions to the PV, as specified, its recovery from any such occurrence is expected to be both proficient and timely. This is due in part to climatology favoring only minor assaults early in the season, as well as the anticipated resiliency of a potent PV denoted by +AO conditions presently observed within the polar stratosphere. Furthermore, while the period immediately preceding SSW events is usually hostile too blocking, it also can serve to amplify the MJO, which is currently projected to be in phase 8 at the height of the SSW, around December 15. -NAO Pulse Favored During Excited MJO Phase 8 in associated with Potential SSW Mid December Thus it is reasonable to expect a major negative NAO pulse at mid month, which would coincide with a major coastal event prior to the abatement of said negative NAO, thereafter. This amplification of the MJO should constructively interfere with the apex of modest warm ENSO forcing to induce a prolonged period of +PNA and -EPO throughout the month of December, which will act to at least initially countermand the increasingly hostile polar domain in advance of any propagation of stratospheric warming near the pole. Thus the "thaw" period should be reserved for later in December and into January, as the warm ENSO forcing decays and Pacific realigns in advance of any impact of the SSW on the polar domain. The excited MJO will also be entering into milder phases at this time. The potential for more sustained high latitude blocking should then being to increase during the second half of January, approximately three weeks after the peak of any polar vortex disruption on or about December 15th. Anticipated Sensible Impacts throughout New England During December The month of December should be both active and variable. A robust PNA should ultimately be the primary driver of the pattern, thus central and northern New England should see the most robust snowfall anomalies. While the PV is likely to encounter some disruptions, it should recover, which may ultimately prove more inimical to the development of early season blocking, which is not climatologically favored, regardless. The erosion of the negative NAO/AO period should be offset by the development of +PNA and -EPO. The NAO should have some increased moduality, and a transient negative phase could link with the PNA to create a major early season storm. Favored period being from 12-5 to 12-19, however the later half of the period is more at greater risk due to Achambault potential in association with SSW induced negative NAO flex. -1 to -2 departures north of Concord, NH, around normal down to 40N, and up to +1 points southward. The deterioration of the +PNA/-EPO Pacific regime in conjunction with limited blocking may forebode any sustained thaw during the latter potion of the month and into the month of January, prior to any sensible impacts of downward propagation of mid December stratospheric warming later in January by way of increased blocking potential.
  10. Hi was 30.4 during a late AM lull....back down to 28.6
  11. My old and new homsteads may make a run at 20" in this band....this is right where the death band in March 2018 was..93 nailer
  12. Diurnal timing such that we escaped a day of minor melt that the west got.
  13. I can vouch for this....looks like I'm on east edge, but snowing over inch/hr 18.5"
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