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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. This is why I think we will need the NAO; while there will of course be fluctuations, but I don't foresee a consistently favorable Pacific for the balance of the season. I know the caveats with weeklies, but those were my November thoughts, as well. Early NAO seems to have succumbed to stout and resilient pv, as anticipated.
  2. Yea, I think second week of January at the earliest to see the Pacific modfify a bit...and hopefully another NAO flex in latter January or Feb.
  3. I essentially checked out for a spell once it became apparent that the ongoing system would stay south...ugh
  4. When "if"s, "but"s and qualifiers outnumber discreete threats, it needs work imho.
  5. I'm meh first half of January. I felt strong Dec, but milder towards holidays and into January. I think we start to block later in January. Not worried.. as planned, so far. I do an update this week.
  6. I wasn't debating anything you said..simple statement. I get why Kev likes December.
  7. Steve has decent elevation...like 600'.
  8. Obviously we wouldn't have had 120" of snow, aside from cape cod, MA, but that would have been a memorable event.
  9. Wow, nice....woulda, coulda, shoulda. Sucks.
  10. Second half should be NAO driven, I think...we need to wait for that....IN GENERAL. I know someone like @Ginx snewx will quote this once the daily PAC teleconnections look favorable. Lol
  11. I still have solid coverage, though today will be a test.
  12. Second half of December into January was supposed to moderate as far as I'm concerned.. and I remain skeptical of a fast start in January.
  13. The devil on my shoulder has enjoyed the blogging break.
  14. I know you are just telling it like it is...just being a d#ck.
  15. Classic scooter...if a fart manages to elude all nostrils, he'll be sure to make its presence known-
  16. Hope I'm wrong, but I feel as though its correct in delaying that.
  17. When Anthony packs it in, its time to flip the calendar.
  18. I'll check at month's end...may have been -1 to -2.
  19. I don't think anyone will ever endeavor to forecast the aggregate sentiment of the snow weenie, nor should they. Lol
  20. Anyway, lets wait to see what you end up with by April 1...
  21. Your account belies reality on a grander scale. I'm willing to bet that have suceeded in registering a negative monthly snowfall anomaly in the face of a surplus of precipitation coupled with a negative temperature departure. Saddle up and enjoy straddling the same cosmic dildo that I did for four months last year. I think I had you at like -2 to -3 departure for the month, which I would wager to say will work out.
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