This was written in November..I know it gets confusing with so much content.
"The seemingly favorable antecedent conditions for the disruption of the PV in conjunction with both the observed north atlantic tripole over the summer, as well as the anticipated favorable Hadley cell configuration in association with the ongoing modestly warm ENSO event all favor increased blocking. However they are interpreted as being suggestive of perhaps one month during the coming period featuring one or more major and sustained blocking episodes. This will likely occur later in the season because conditions should be hostile for the development of sustained blocking during the first half of boreal winter 2019-2020 due to the considerable initial intensity of the PV, in conjunction with the delayed descent of the easterly QBO phase. This does not preclude intervals of negative NAO and bouts of wintery early season weather, owed to the elongation of the PV that is conducive to periodic and transient cold intrusions, as well expected volatility of the NAO modality. It is also important to note that while conditions appear favorable for at least minor disruptions to the PV, its recovery from any such occurrence is expected to be both proficient and timely. This is due in part to climatology favoring only minor assaults early in the season, as well as the anticipated resiliency of a potent PV denoted by +AO conditions presently observed within the polar stratosphere. Such a recovery period after any potential assault would likely lead to a protracted mid winter thawing period as the vortex reconsolidates and possibly becomes more circular in nature.