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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. There is variance in everything. Most assuredly the most chatic element that we know of in the global atmosphere. As usual..disagree.
  2. I agree...its both. We have been unlucky, but its been easier to be victimized bad luck bc the pattern has been flawed.
  3. I think H5 over sne has had a normal winter...not great, but not this horrid.
  4. I'm sorry, this has been nothing like 2011-2012 or 2006-2007 to me. The causal observer, sure....but to anyone with a modicum of meteorological intellect...nope. And this is not about my outlook, either...that has been an unequivocal failure to this point. I get that. Not trying to argue that. Raindance has been better.
  5. I hope its not 36hrs adding up to .6" qpf.
  6. Not even close tempwise or H5...you have a case with snowfall at the moment.
  7. You really are dense. The whole point is that variability of the solutions offered...which is illustrated by the discrepancy between op and eps. No one ever implied that colder outcomes near the surface are unlikely.
  8. No $hit. I mean that I'd take them over what this is likely to end up as....which is probably not much snow.
  9. Vintage weather channel local forecast jam circa 1994 lol
  10. Bc I'd rather be bent over not needing a jacket.
  11. Can we please just stop the "some" BS and just say potential for you, dendrite and powderfreak. Thanks
  12. I'll take my chances on either a frigid rain or more sleet.
  13. This has been why I have been hedging warmer in that system...at least in the mid levels, anyway. A bitter cold rain, some sleet and ice wouldn't surprise me...but don't anticipate much snow.
  14. So far, he has had about the best outlook that I have seen...certainly better than mine. I'm just a little confused on the December comparison....even a very accurate outlook is going to have some points that are stronger than others, so I'm certainly not trying to detract from what to this point has been exemplary work. I know the PAC jet started to get active later in Dec...but aside from that, I really don't see the comparison to 12/94 and 12/06, aside from paltry sne snowfall.
  15. Are you comparing December 2018 to a 1994/2006 December composite? Your outlook has been good, but how was 12/18 similar to 12/94 and 12/06...aside from from dearth of snowfall in SNE? Unless I'm misunderstanding you. They were pretty dissimilar.
  16. I have always figured it would trend better for a day or two, then just flip right back. FU event.
  17. Either that of just disappear, like I do. lol
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