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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. Read my mind. The vintage 1985 EPO dump into Butte, MT just doesn't doesn't do it for me...as for the PNA developing and setting up further east...I place about as much stock in that as the NAO, at this point. I'm prepping for MLB fantasy draft. I've moved on...not getting roped back in until we have strong consensus inside of day 4.
  2. 23.9/21.0 S- with a coating now, but it actually had flipped to freezing drizzle for a bit... Got down to 4.3 this morning...impressive.
  3. Final Call: https://easternmassweather.blogspot.com/2019/02/220-221-final-call-icy-commute-possible.html
  4. The 3km has hardly any snow in SNE...like and inch SW and NE. I'd still go 1-3".
  5. We'll have to watch that today because the NAM has been nailing quite a few SWFEs this season....seeing it so cold is a bit of a flag for me.
  6. I didn't say anyone was....just agreeing with Will that I don't like the idea.
  7. Let me preface this by saying that Raindance has had the best outlook thus far and mine has been bad. However given that this season's la nina like forcing regime has eaten the consensus alive, I'm not sure that I'd be extolling the double weighting of any el nino analog as a virtue of any outlook. I'll leave it at that.
  8. Batten down the hatches...said no one south of Beaver Balls, ME. https://easternmassweather.blogspot.com/2019/02/snow-to-rain-wednesday-night.html
  9. From me? Only a few times...I haven't called for a KU in the medium range. Its the seasonal call that has struggled.
  10. Pretty good call. I explained in the final call rationale that the upper bounds of the 2-5" range north of the city was in the event that the mid level lows remained closed a bit longer, which did not happen. https://easternmassweather.blogspot.com/2019/02/presidents-day-verification.html
  11. LC will never live that down lol....12 years ago
  12. I disagree. I'm done with "wintery"...either snow my di#k off, or leave me the hell alone and warm my nape.
  13. For you, too....I understand that you have received more, but that has nothing to do with the fact that the back edge is approachng. I should make 2" at this point...maybe 4" there, so my 2-5" call looks fine.
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