I expected another event in latter February or early March....it would be a little outside of the identified two-week window, but I still hope it materializes.
Yes, absolutely. But refresh my memory of the point in March 2012 when we entertained the notion of a KU magnitude event for even a portion of the region...
I don't think we are going to see that.
This late-blooming, Miller B subsumes do not usually trends towards faster development, and if they do, its an artifice of modeling.
My money is on an E NE focus.
Hey, I have always been on the "it ain't over" train. Just couldn't pass up a pun perfectly engineered to suite the trials of this season.
Seasons that deliver a KU event in December do not go quietly into the night...we aren't getting let out. We are going to miss my second window of 2-17 to 3-2, but it may not be by much-
In reality that theoretical jackpot would be along the gradient....March 2018 clowns had the jack near PYM and it ended up here. Those clown maps are driven by low level forcing and neglect the mid levels.
Agreed. I only looked at H5, then that clown map....not H925 temps, etc....not at day 6...so you can understand why I commented about the surface lacking. I agree, it would verify much snowier.
I guess I just should have said clowns weren't impressive, rather than surface because that is all I meant. Again, I would love that evolution in reality.