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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. Seems to be a trend that it looks great through 100+, then finds a way to minmize impact.
  2. I'm not giving up or anything...just frustrating because we've been seeing the same crap all season...1,000,001 ways to fail, despite 1,000, 002 opinions on why it shouldn't.
  3. Seen this movie beforw.....1000 shades of whiff
  4. I still want to see more commitment, period...guidance remains largely ambivalent regarding degree of impact.
  5. I'd be more worried about folks being too far west.
  6. April '97, March 2012....devil is in the detes, I guess...
  7. Yea, I said that earlier to Jerry.
  8. Well, two that I like...there were also two that you would like.
  9. Yea, norluns and inverted troughs are usually provisional solutions as guidance attempts to reconcile current solutions with future commitments one way or another.
  10. John, the 12z euro OP trended away, but the ens mean is what is paramount at this range and that hedged more phased.. albeit still split.
  11. I mentioned that getting a KU in December, which a portion of the area did, is a good sign that winter will reemerge before season's end. Not that it guarantees another KU...although I won't be surprised if that happens.
  12. I think its time to seriously consider a significant snowfall. Not a blizzard, but that is a viable possibility.
  13. I want the s stream insert...not much margin for error if we rely on all n stream. I think the 12z EPS is explosive and screams big event.
  14. Many of those are near Bermuda. A later phase would result in the stronger solution being delayed northeast, not a track well southeast.
  15. Because if they had phased at all, they would not have tracked near Bermuda.
  16. Those are the solutions with zero s stream, which is not congruent with the aggregate trend of the 12z ensemble suite.
  17. I don't buy the solutions north of Bermuda..take those out, and that is nuts.
  18. 12 EPS looks like a trend towards more s stream involvement to me. 12z Left, 00z Right
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