Its not the main reason for the storm, but yesterday it was hinted that more of the main SW to the west would try to get involved. That is now gone and there is less margin for error with the vorticity from the single SW.
Not your fault...that's why it gets so snippy here sometimes..all of the little nuances in everyone's mood and perceptions. The GFS is still good for you on the heels of a 6" jackpot yesterday....not surprised you aren't a Debbie. lol
Well, it sucks for the "Debbie's" back yards.
Pretty maddening for areas around here, where everything decent goes north, and now south the area. Even more so for SW CT.
I think the mid levels will save me if they close.
Its probably because you were focusing on your own back yard....understandable. Just remember to try and be intially conservative if there is any end up looing a lot more credible.