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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. No one really knows. I have heard others saying that Zeta increased potential, which did not materialize. Bottom line is weather circles have a fetish for adjoining weather extremes....they must be connected in some way, shape of form...and anyone who proves otherwise, its lotion in the basket for them.
  2. Not worried about it. Coat the ground, and I'm good. Kev can have the 3".
  3. Def screw zone up here, it seems like. Glad its an October novelty and nothing more.
  4. Just a quick shout out for this event. Winter Outlook is just about done...just fine tuning some stuff. https://easternmassweather.blogspot.com/2020/10/winter-preview-early-friday.html
  5. Not starting my packages this early for an inch. What are the best free sites you guys use?
  6. Jesus...what happened in here. I see I'm the subject of controversy. Ruler envy lol
  7. The mean of the ECMWF Nino 4 ENSO plume is about -1.3.. I don't see it getting lower than that.
  8. Well, we got one event Hadleyed this season.
  9. Yea, major is cat 3. Should be a decent hit. If it comes at a bad time, I will sit non majors out. Hannah I did, too.
  10. I sat this one out....isn't going to be major and focused on outlook
  11. I think T-2" should cover it for 90% of SNE.
  12. That is a bit dated, so perhaps its changed. I don't have an issue with region 4 getting to -1...that is not much of a jump.
  13. I don't think region 4 is going to cool much more.
  14. Yea, I honestly do not care about JP here. Would be nice, but I never expect that in October. I have said, I just want an inch....I do not expect to get what the hills of N ORH get....hills of CT, diff. story. Latitude will matter in this. Get used to hearing that for the next 5 months.
  15. I would link with me with N ORH co...elevated lives matter.
  16. Yea, just saying that I would feel good about an inch, which is my goal. Anything more is gravy.
  17. Agree. I look good for at least an inch there.
  18. Nah, more like Lowell, but prob like 8 here.
  19. That was run from the Eastern Mass Weather headquarters in Methuen.
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