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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. I am going to present my work right after this election wraps up, but I do not think the Pacific will be wall-to-wall crap.
  2. Is this KA''s outlook, Howard? Tom will be posting within the next few days.
  3. Great discussion in here, as always. I am done....just waiting for the election dust to settle and I will present.
  4. I didn't factor that in. I did last season
  5. I will adjust, but the outlook is graded as is. Anyone can get an A if you are spoon fed the answer sheet.
  6. I don't disagree with any of that.
  7. I finished today. Just going to take until the weekend with the snowfall forecast....no sense burying it on election week.
  8. What signal are we abandoning, anyway? Wasn't November always supposed to get mild??
  9. Believe it or not, we had warm winters before you became sexually fixated on fleshy, pulsating Hadley Cells.
  10. It really is in an incredible resource with some gifted minds. I am humbled by the exchange of information each and every season. The fact that someone like myself, who has been math and science deficient my whole life, can compose a coherent winter outlook is largely a credit to these forums.
  11. I do think that we will see some the pig this season, but not wall-to-wall, like last year. Later in January and February IMO.
  12. 2" was one of the lower totals, but I will take that on 10/30.
  13. Difference is its not a pig...its RNA, which is expected...especially early season.
  14. I used that piece extensively in my outlook. I have this season as mixed, but a tad east of totally neutral.
  15. I think strong ONI peak is pretty questionable...weekly data, sure.
  16. Canadian is also the most central-based of all guidance, IMO...so that makes sense that it would support the southern PAC ridge.
  17. https://easternmassweather.blogspot.com/2020/11/catastrophic-hurricane-eta-nearing.html
  18. @griteater No coincidence that most of the N PAC ridge composite winters are ep la nina seasons...and most S PAC members are co la nina seasons.
  19. I hate to be redundant, but 2007 represents a great compromise both with respect to the ep vs cp la nina continuum, as well as the N PAC ridge vs S PAC ridge composites.
  20. I agree. I don't buy the N Pac ridge composite, however, I don't think it's going to be as flat as some the eastern US terds, like 2011, either.
  21. I second this....incredibly informative. Still trying to wrap my mind around the QBO stuff.
  22. Last time Pat's scored 28 points in four games? Fall of 1995.....I like that winter analog lol
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