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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. Its a way out, but guidance has been fairly emphatic.
  2. Let them....I don't give a shit. My side of the family is paranoid about the virus, so the usual gtg at my sister's is off. I think we are just having my wife's side over at our place. You dry hump one another in a political orgy following the election, but god forbid you break bread at your own damn dinner table. If it comes to it, I'd rather pay the fine and tell them to eat shit, then be controlled like that.
  3. Yea, def. looks to begin awful. Still burning pretty meh climo for the coast....hopefully that changes a bit by mid month.
  4. In all seriousness, its just bad luck. Hang in there....
  5. I thought Christine uttered said verbiage?
  6. I had a hernia in my right oblique after that accident 11 years ago..mesh net surgery is no joke.
  7. I was just having this conversation with a coworker this morning. How do we distinguish between who has, and had not had the vaccine? People are just going to begin claiming that they had it when pestered about a mask. I feel as though it will just continue to be mandated for a good year after the vaccine is released, which will increase the tension because people who get the vaccine, like myself, will be irritated.
  8. Always easier pre-Thanksgiving. lol Once regression makes you its red headed stepchild by the new year, all bets are off.
  9. I wonder if the Hadley cell has anything to do with this? I have noticed some faster geopotential mediums the past few seasons...what could be muting ENSO?
  10. Gotta love how things look more el nino in December, but rest assured it will be full blown la nina in February....the shit climo dream team.
  11. I feel like some are unnecessarily writing off December...most of the guidance for this area is like +2 and active. That can still work...especially for the interior.
  12. He was always on the mild December train...expects a big pattern flip in January.
  13. Slap a mask on the piggie and ride it out the pole!
  14. Nothing speaks to the stout PV more than the incessant covid talk. Gonna be a while-
  15. Not the type of el nino winter fans would want either, should that structure maintain itself through next fall.
  16. If we were talking up day 11-15 blocking, there would be bun imprints on our forehead.
  17. My only contention was that I don't think it lasts all season....it should let up at some point in December before returning during January or February. My analogs def. implied that it will be a factor this season.
  18. Problem was the blocking reestablished in April...I was hoping for March.
  19. SWFE is essentially a Miller B that transfers too late.
  20. Yes...SWFE and Miller B city...dependent upon degree of polar resistance and trough placement.
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