Yea, the NAO is only helpful if you have cold air already in this case, rather run this risk of a hugger, than have a good track with no cold.
I only used it as a secondary analog because of the ONI and MEI criteria that I employed, but that season is one of the better sensible weather analogs for how I see this winter playing out. Even the blocking just east of Greenland was a very prevalent feature in my composite.
I don't think that you will be too far off this season. I think I went with + .25 to .55 range...basically neutral-positive.
I think most would take a near neutral NAO and run, this year. lol
I don't think I will because its so tied into my emotional well being, as well. I have seen some dark days and exercise is an enormous outlet for me. Wife has learned to afford me the time to exercise. lol