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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. @bluewaveI have some interesting ideas about your deviation stuff that I am sharing in this year's work. Really facinating relationship to ponder....been wrestling with that today.
  2. Ah...can always count on snowman to give your grape the one last shove needed to consume that last morsel of dirt. I need your number in case I am ever struggling to overcome that last layer of ambivalence on a ledge.
  3. JB has alterior motives, though...at least at that stage of his career, which is part of the issue. Kind of akin to how young athletes trying to establish their value are most productive relative to after they hit payday.
  4. We all just need to be jerks sometimes....it goes both ways, too....the cold bias zealots like JB take plenty of shit, too.
  5. Love this thread for the graphics...saves me sooo much time because I have to make enough as it is myself and they are very time consuming.
  6. I don't mean that it can't be dry in general in the east...just saying that the N stream is more important in New England.
  7. I can live without coastal hugging, occluding Miller As....just let me know what the N stream does.
  8. I don't mind being corrected...its a catalyst for growth...which ironically enough is a beacon of true intelligence.
  9. Dude, it was a joke...I have never seen anyone so butt-hurt over CC. My god...how many times have I mused about how this is correct and I am including alot of it in my write up? Jesus...injecting dark humor is just my way of coping and reducing tension.
  10. Generally speaking you are correct, but I prefer to speak in terms of probabilities because there are a multitude of factors at play.
  11. January 7th kept me from gouging my eyes out and quitting weather.
  12. Absolutely. I think it will work the other way eventually, but this plays into the greater "feast or famine" aspect"...slowly but surely famine is gaining ground.
  13. This is like a nightmare form which I just can't awaken...its like the meteorology hobbyist version of the movie "Groundhog Day".....I'm Bill Murray.
  14. Absolutely...this is why when we use the 1991-2020 climo period to measure older analogs, there is a sea of greater heights that washes everything out. This is why I use the 1951-2010 climo period quite often...but of course, it goes both ways. If you use a more recent analog for that period, then its a sea of blue. I try use that all encompasing 1951-2010 climo period when the composite is comprised of a wider range of years....like seasonal forecast composites, for instance.
  15. I see I missed another CC circle-jerk....Bluewave brings the toys, Tip the lotion and Chuck supplies the basket. Neat.
  16. I feel like I have learned a lot from the past couple of poor results. I will save you the trouble...won't be out prior to Monday.
  17. That being said, it doesn't really change my mind with respect to anything in the grand scheme of things...just want to win dork-brownie points for verification purposes.
  18. Yea, seems as though I am going to have to capitaulate at least somewhat to the guidance that has been backing off for the past month.
  19. Only reason I am quiet is because I'm balls deep in the Outlook...almost done with the Pacific, then the rest should be an easier task.
  20. Yea, we have been saying that for a while now...I'm beginning to have some last second reservations about it TBH...especially with respect to intensity.
  21. Eh...last year was utterly hopeless, but the year before wasn't far off from a decent season where I am.
  22. Thanks for that article by the way....I referenced it a couple of times in my work this season.
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