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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. Like how many times would Wiz mention the word CAPE in each post.
  2. Its very easy to shovel...low reality content.
  3. @snowstorms....no worries. I will delete a lot of this since its OT.
  4. Oh, okay. Well, my point was that el nino winters are usually more back loaded for SNE than la nina, but the caveat being that that maybe mostly due to February. You may have a case for March temps, however, I am more confident that el nino is better for March snow in SNE than la nina. Obviously its subjetive...I am talking about SNE because I live here and its a NE subforum.
  5. Euro will probably at least trend in that direction.
  6. The vast majority of climate data is technically statistically insignificant. I'm quite confident that you can run the data back to 1850 or whatever for Boston and mod-strong nina March will be below the general March mean snowfall.
  7. Mean snowfall of 9 Mod to strong la nina events IMBY since 1957 is 7.8".
  8. This is going to begin our 12/07, 12/08 like run.
  9. Are you really trying to compare March 2012 to March 2010? I think that you need to so some serious homework, and then reengage me.
  10. @ORH_wxman @CoastalWx I don't have the site on me...how much did Reading coop get in March 2008 and March 2012? TIA...
  11. Well, the past two el ninos were crap.....2010 was a fluke, and 2016 was the super event.
  12. Well, you live in Toronto.....no fan of winter weather residing in SNE should prefer a la nina March to that of el nino. I realize that there are exceptions to this.
  13. I had some snow grains around midnight, but no trace of it this AM.
  14. Not doubting that. I am just speaking to my interpretation of CNE, which ORH is not. Doesn't matter, anyway because trend is likely not done.
  15. Yea....expect this to be the theme of December. People are expecting 50's and driving rains wondering what happened once a winter storm is imminent.
  16. CNE implies N of ORH to me....I take that as Bershires through Monadkocks and SNH.
  17. Yea, I have some hope for March, but I am not crazy about the big JFM idea.
  18. There are exceptions...but odds are against it, especially with a moderate to strong peak.
  19. Weakening la nina leading to a big second half...if we have a good second half, then it will be due to a SSW. There is a lag between ENSO and the atmosphere....climo dictates that la nina winters do not have big finishes.
  20. That is exactly the window that I mentioned to kick things off in the outlook. All you need is the cold in Canada...I would be surprised if at least a couple of them do not work out over the course of the next 2-3 weeks.
  21. Neither is east...its been a central season in the early going. I expect to begin making up ground rather shortly...I think it's a good pattern for my area.
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