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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. You and I should hope its right, but I'm sceptical.
  2. Map is BS.....some rain and sleet involved east.
  3. Here is the mid level weenie band that Will is referring to, which is getting into my area on the 06z run (left) vs 00z (right)
  4. Oh, I know...tongue firmly in cheek.
  5. This evolution is more realstic to me than prior versions because its less s stream and more n stream.
  6. Best part...H5 closes off south of long island...mona lisa. The 10:1 chart will not do that banding justice. Little tucky, but clown range, anyway..
  7. Oh boy...sound the alarms on the Euro next Sunday into Monday...
  8. Its often right when aggressive with mid level warmth...
  9. NAM is usually most aggressive with mid level warmth....
  10. The indecies don't modulate weather, but they are man's attempt to quantify the complex pressure patterns that do. Pretty simple-
  11. Its not going to remain near neutral for long.
  12. I just meant that some blocking may help promote more phasing...
  13. Yes, absolutely. But the notion that substantial negative departures will be eradicated by the new year is dubious, at best.
  14. Yes, but I am only concerned with the northeast, so you need to understand the context. The storm track has favored the interior, but sne has been skunking NNE. ...inverse if last season's fortunes...fair? Perhaps not, but it is what it is.
  15. Note the increased aggression in the NAO regions; this trend continues, I suspect we are going to have a very merry holiday period...
  16. Pretty precarious trend on OP Euro...12z left, 00z Right. Huge sensible weather implications...not a fan of OP at this range, but 12z ens not out yet.
  17. Yea...this is what I was getting at speaking with Kev. Surface can trend as cold as it wants, but that won't compensate for the sheared dynamics.
  18. I had slightly below normal for us... coldest NNE, moderating as you head down coast..
  19. Indicies are a means of measuring hemispheric height and pressure patterns, which modulate our sensible weather. Any decent guidance will reflect this.
  20. Surface, totally plausible, but mid levels are what they are.
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