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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. I have noticed since moving here that I am usually caught in the middle.....far enough south to get porked on your events, yet far enough north to get scraps from the body of SNE bonanzas.
  2. The face in the middle should reflect the person jackpotted on a run...then the posters still in the game are crowded around her.
  3. We need Eric or Brian to photoshop heads on that...especially the lady in the middle lmao
  4. I recall one run where the thing KUed me with like 18", hooked back, redeveloped and reserved me.
  5. I miss the DGEX....that thing was fail proof.
  6. That's the heavy shit.....I'll need my stingy eurowx snow maps to act as narcan
  7. LOL If its late at all over the course of the next week, he'll roll out of his cruiser with a case of delirium tremens
  8. And if its not, sip several more until it is-
  9. Nah, I get it.....good set up, but obviously the usual caveats that are inherent of extended leads apply.
  10. TBH, I am okay with forgoing the PNA....I think this is a pattern that should target NE, and really reduce the likelihood of a whiff.
  11. Its a combination of the fact that it is such high water content, and the sun is so feeble this time of year. It would def be patchy if this were March or even February.
  12. My 2" of crust will be gone...but there areas north of the pike that did did not get porked and got several inches last weekend likely keep it.
  13. Yea, I guess the distribution may be redolent of climo, but I think the ceiling is significantly higher..especially over SNE.
  14. This pattern looks somewhat better than climo to me.
  15. Don't they avg like 25"? I wouldn't call 20" shit....
  16. Could? If we do not, them something is tragically wrong.
  17. Don't for get the RNA....should be a mainly NE deal.
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