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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. I'm not super-negative on January...I think it will back and forth, more hostile as we go along....February is awful, I think....but expect some mid atl event(s).
  2. "Don't touch me...I just want to watch....don't look at me, I will look at you". I will be over there in that chair, in the corner.
  3. This is aging fairly decently, especially considering how things looked when I released it...one minor knock is that I may not have factored in the neg NAO enough in terms of where the main axis of monthly snowfall sets up, which means the northern mid atl may not be left out entirely, regardless of the Pacific.
  4. Yea, same here, but the key is to not clog up the thread with reactionary BS on a storm 6 days out.
  5. Glad the ideas for December seem to largely be working out, save for the EPO.....but I hope I''m wrong later in January and through February.
  6. I always pegged Luke for a creepy corner sitter...
  7. Highly doubt it whiffs with the poor Pacific.
  8. I feel like it will be a CT jackpot if the transfer is that far south....big if.
  9. Yea, I learned that the hard way in Feb 2009.
  10. Oh, agreed. Its not a concern for snowfall. Frankly, if you need 24 hours to drop over a foot of snow, then you have some paltry dynamics.
  11. Gotcha...more of just skepticism that they are pinning this down correctly at such a large lead time.
  12. Jesus, really? I had 25" in Wilmington...22" on the level. I am shocked you did that poorly only a few miles west.
  13. The absence of a PNA ridge and slow moving NE us impact are not mutually exclusive, though....granted the block was epic, but look at Feb 1969.
  14. I agree with you, TBH....I just made a blog post yesterday about how I expected a parade of moderate systems. I'm going to give this through the weekend to adjust expectations larger.
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