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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. https://easternmassweather.blogspot.com/2020/12/growing-likelihood-of-high-impact.html First Call tomorrow.
  2. Widespread 30"....probably not. But widespread over 1'? Absolutely.
  3. I know that, but mid level RH does not prevent subsidence exhaust. Mid levels were good in Dec 2003 and PD II, as well.
  4. As we speak....slow progress with baby, but she's down no, so ripping it our before wife gets home.
  5. I hope its wrong with that...I know we have a bette moisture fetch than Boxing day, but I never trust a big coastal frontogenesis band in your area and Boston metro.
  6. Did it get the memo about the EURO's struggles with respect to Hurricane Laura?
  7. I think my xmas decorations are safe, unless we have a shit streak cause this to pull a 1/7/96 or a March 2019.
  8. In the end, I don't think this is a scenario where one of us will want to kill the other.
  9. Yea, it has the primary making deeper into the OHRV.....which is what some of us have been warning about, and why PA may not get 20"+.
  10. I def. volunteered that my max depth was 25" in that March 2018 event....I remember because I made a comment that it made sense that the spotter reported a storm total snowfall of 25". He stuck the ruler in the ground after dinner at the end of the day...I know I pointed that out. I know the spotter....we are connected on social media at this point, and that is exactly what he did. He is an elementary school teacher....good dude.
  11. " Hold on....let that 1' on rt 128 settle for a day or so, I bet we'll only have to plow 10"....lol
  12. I'm doing 6 hour sweep bc that is what makes sense to me. If enlightening someone with my settled depth arouses them, I'll be more than happy to make their day by adding that, though.
  13. I haven't really interacted with her much....my twitter clique usually consists of Fisher, Judah and a bunch of other national mets.
  14. If you think about, DPW crews and private contractors, which represent the majority of clientele for snowfall forecasts, want to know how much snow is going to fall from the sky. That is what they are going to have to plow, not the settled depth 1-2 days later.
  15. Missed that, too....glad to see some reputable mets actually considered my point, as opposed to blindly dismissing.
  16. I missed that. I really like him and Juadah on Twitter. Say what you want about Judah, but he and Fisher are two of the more engaging public figures on social media that I have come across.
  17. I'm not a fan of blindly applying sweeping generalizations in meteorology...you need to assess the situation, and then consider the guidance at hand to determine what makes sense. I think hedging north with a potent SW developing in the south is wise here.
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