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40/70 Benchmark

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About 40/70 Benchmark

  • Birthday 11/16/1980

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Methuen, MA, 154' ASL 30 mi N of Boston
  • Interests
    Snow, Canes , Baseball, Football and Keeping Fit.

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  1. I remember that...January 2009....we met up for the first time shortly thereafter.
  2. Well, its no big deal when they are this weak...
  3. I will be away in the hospital and we'll probably get 3' in Methuen.
  4. Yea, looks great in Chelsea...at least weatherwise...
  5. I think I look good for an inch or two...sharp cut off, though. The extra latitude from Wilmington here is almost always useless and hurts more than it helps.
  6. I wiped my a$$ with those models showing this area as ground zero for the CJ...I know the climo too well.
  7. I'll be lucky to see an inch or two....ready to bend over and grab the ankles, per usual...always either north or south.
  8. Snowing steadily in Chelsea, but not sticking well...sweet spot was about Everett...bit cooler and cars covered. Then hit Medford and bare ground..hardly snowing
  9. Man, I deserve a gradient like that with those just noth getting porked...inverse of what has played out so often over the past severl years.
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