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About TauntonBlizzard2013

  • Birthday 03/02/1994

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Taunton, MA

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  1. There has been a consistent nuance this season to weaken events by about 50% in the final 36 hours, along with the compressed flow causing all kinds of issues. Unless it was a rain event, you could bet on the event underwhelming in the snow department relative to where it was 2 days prior.
  2. I’m not going to lie, he has pretty much nailed every call this winter, especially every “snow” event reducing intensity by 50% or more in the final 36 hours. This is honestly the worst winter of my adult life, about to turn 31 next week. The combination of cold and lack of snow has been miserable.
  3. And third rate countries. More melting today, hopefully it’s gone for good next week.
  4. Most models had more than 3” here, but ultimately doesn’t matter, point is, we have bare spots here and I expect everything but piles to be gone this week, thank god
  5. No, but it is what it is. My yard gets full sun and it’s getting pretty bare in the front outside of piles from the snowblower and I have a huge spot opening up in the back too. When you consistently underperform on snow events, it’s hard to build anything up pack wise, even compared to your area.
  6. We got like 3” before rain, it’s not that hard to believe. We’ve had less snow here than you.
  7. Not even worth the time anymore. It’s really not. Dreaming of warm weather here, getting close. Sun feels good today
  8. Was down in Fall River for work today. No snow to speak of. It’s going here too. Prob about 50% coverage at home
  9. There are definitely signs of breaking towards spring on the models, especially in the extended. Like I said a few days ago, a month from now it could easily be 60 degrees if we catch a few breaks. Im so over the evaporating day 7 snow threats from this winter, and every single snow event underperforming vs forecast, ready for warmth. This winter might just squeak out of F territory to a D-. We are still well below half of our average gear and every event has been a mess and or crapped the bed.
  10. I’ll gladly take 40s, nothing wrong with that. Could easily be 50 or 60 a month from now too. It’s coming.
  11. The only redeeming quality about this winter is that it should be over sooner rather than later, and I truly mean that.
  12. I-GONE doesn’t even brush southern areas anymore
  13. I love the gfs inverted trough signal. The icing on the shit cake
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