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About GD0815

  • Birthday 08/15/1975

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Philadelphia, PA

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  1. in Dt's defense this isnt a whoops card, he does this with every storm, first guess, first call and last call. i think the 4 inches is too high for PHL too, but let's see
  2. see this kind of post annoys me, because it almost can't be wrong, if things happen a certain way, one thing will happen, and if they don't then it wont---so basically he can't be wrong. I mean he is 1/3 of the way to admitting he is going to bust here, just admit it, you were too far south with the axis of snow
  3. I think he means Bernie Rayno, but not sure
  4. i guess it also depends on what is being considered NW suburbs, go out a little bit and the north trend shouldnt impact numbers that much
  5. isn't that his forecast and not a model interpretation? therefore, he isn't wrong yet. I think he will be wrong, and the gfs does not back him up, but don't call bust before something happens.
  6. seems like a fairly reasonable forecast to me Not too extreme, but the numbers acknowledge that most signs are pointing to a colder than normal winter.
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