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About stormtracker

  • Birthday 06/26/1974

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Cleveland Park, NW Washington, DC

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  1. So the council of pros have met and we have decided to abandon the potential storm and move to the next, yeah?
  2. Same. I knew I wasn't going to be down bad...but I'm honestly not even that down.
  3. Yeah, if it's Eagles vs KC, I'm going to reluctantly and disgustingly root for the Eagles.
  4. I hope the Bills rip them apart. If it's KC tho.
  5. Haven't been watching since halftime. Did we win!?!?!?
  6. I need 7. If we can march down the field and get 7 great. I'd even take 3. If we get a TO, I'm bailing. My anxiety is fucking awful. I don't smoke, but I swiped my bf's vape pen and huffing that shit like it's water and I get a high and dizzy af. Guys, I'm not going to make it
  7. Wait till you see what happened next....
  8. I kinda am too, but man...we cant be leaving points behind
  9. I would have gone full tilt if he didn't go for the gd field goal
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