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About bkviking

  • Birthday 12/14/1970

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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    Hiking, Dogs, Philosophy, Weather, Politics, History, Jimmy Buffett, Nola, Artisanal Cheese, Movies

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  1. BOS +2.0 NYC +2..1 DCA +2.3 ORD +2.5 ATL +3.2 IAH +3.0 DEN +1.2 PHX +0.2 SEA -1.0
  2. DCA +3.1 NYC +2.3 BOS +2.0 ORD -0.9 ATL +3.0 IAH +1.2 DEN -1.0 PHX -0.1 SEA -2.2
  3. Snowman19 has a kind of purpose. To provide verifiable climatic conditions as antipodes to our snow-weenie dreams. He is legit enough to be able to add useful counter-balance to groupthink. Agree or disagree - it is highly useful to have- at least to keep in back of mind. His main contribution is in La Nina thread in main forum but he really does offer at least a counter thought to everyone else. Even if it is warm biased.
  4. DCA -4.0 NYC -2.7 BOS -2.2 ORD -2.4 ATL -4.2 IAH -1.0 DEN +0.9 PHX + 2.2 SEA +3.0
  5. DCA -0.5 NYC. 0.7 BOS. -2.0 ORD +02 ATL +0.5 IAH +2.2 DEN +4.0 PHX +4.0 SEA +3.2 DCA 12” NYC 27” BOS 44” ORD 30” DTW 28 BUF 98” DEN 55” SEA 14” BTV 100" Quote
  6. DCA: + 0.8 NYC: + 0.8 BOS: +0.8 ORD: + 1.0 ATL: + 0.6 IAH: + 1.5 DEN: + 2.5 PHX: + 2.0 SEA: + 1.1
  7. DCA: +1.0NYC: +0.8BOS: +0.8ORD: +0.5ATL: +0.3IAH: +1.0DEN: +1.9PHX: +1.8SEA: +1.8
  8. I cannot get out of Port Jefferson- stuck in bathroom. It is surreal what is happening here. They must be well over a foot of rain. but it is NOT stopping. It keeps regenerating and getting worse.
  9. Blydenburgh Park dam in Smithtown burst. North Shore LI disaster worse than almost anything I can think of.
  10. I am in PJ viillage now and it is looming disaster. Flooding everywhere , cars stuck, hard to believe this is happening again
  11. Very heavy rain in Port Jefferson - again - with multiple cells training over this area again. Unreal.
  12. We are close to perfectly the same - i ended up with 8.28” - sad the destruction over by Avalon park in Stony Brook - absolutely awful for that picturesque and quaint area. Cannot believe Mill Pond totally emptied.
  13. Already got p to 8.08 “ in northern Smithtown - half since midnight. Thank god area is hilly but there will be giant lakes in flood prone spots.
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