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About madwx

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location:
    Madison, Wi

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  1. Down to -4 with the fresh snow cover. 3rd below zero night of the season
  2. Will likely end up around 5” here once all is said and done. Nice slight overperformance. Can see how much if any survives the Christmas warmup
  3. FYI - sunsets are already getting later
  4. Down to -2F here for the first subzero low of the season
  5. there's a lot of art to your trolling, but consistently posting the wrong regional section from pivotal is definitely your warhol
  6. Power plant by Portage, Wisconsin is causing a nice band of snow downwind
  7. There’s a good chance we’ll be above the full month average November precip a week from
  8. 3.94” with the storm total. Backyard did flood a bit last night
  9. 1.87” so far tonight. Going to be a big overperformer
  10. Same here. They are trying everything to get inside houses
  11. https://twitter.com/NWSWPC/status/1846725391098241306 Only a few days a year we get to make it on the daily extremes
  12. Down to 28 here. 16 at both Black River Falls and Fort McCoy
  13. Down to 32 at my house. First official freeze of the season. Live in a bit of a depression so always run cold on clear calm mornings like this
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